Post Too Big. I laugh at you.

Jun 17, 2006 14:11

Apparently, LJ said my last meme post was too big and I couldn't add anymore meme results to it. To that I say, WTF LJ, WTF?

Your result for The LONG Scientific Personality Test...

ISFJ-The Protector

You scored 18% I to E, 74% N to S, 29% F to T, and 11% J to P!

The protector type is called such because you feel your life is best used to protect those you love from the pitfalls of life, to see to their safety and security. You belong to the larger group called guardians. You find great satisfaction in assisting the downtrodden. You are not talkative with strangers, but you can chat tirelessly with those you trust. You have a good solid work ethic. You are thorough and very likely frugal. You do not like to be in a place of authority, and will delegate poorly if forced into a lead position. You share your type with 10% of the population.

As a romantic partner, you are generous and gentle. Occasionally you may be taken for granted because of this fact. You are tireless in providing acts of service for your loved ones. You run the risk of always being exhausted because you won't say no to your partner. You are sensitive to criticism and will withdraw rather than fight back. You wish to be appreciated for your loyalty and whole hearted nuturing. Your values must be respected and you thrive on consideration and kindness.

Your group summary: Guardians (SJ)

Your Type Summary: ISFJ

Take The LONG Scientific Personality Test
at HelloQuizzy

Tenderheart Bear
You are thinker, organizer, peacekeeper, and leader all in one. You have a power to command attention and people listen to you. However, you are often so concerned about not hurting others' feelings that you don't tell them what they need to hear and this gets you both into trouble. But you always have loyal friends to help you out.

Take the Which Care Bear Are You? Quiz!

Your Score: Much More Emotional

You have:

The graph on the right represents your place in Intuition 2-Space. As you can see, you scored well above average on emotional intuition and about average on scientific intuition.Keep in mind that very few people score high on both! In effect, you can compare your two intuition scores with each other to learn what kind of intuition you're best at. Your emotional intuition is stronger than your scientific intuition.

Your Emotional Intuition score is a measure of how well you understand people, especially their unspoken needs and sympathies. A high score score usually indicates social grace and persuasiveness. A low score usually means you're good at Quake.

Your Scientific Intuition score tells you how in tune you are with the world around you; how well you understand your physical and intellectual environment. People with high scores here are apt to succeed in business and, of course, the sciences.

Try my other test!
The 3 Variable Funny Test
It rules.

Link: The 2-Variable Intuition Test written by jason_bateman on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test
View My Profile(jason_bateman)

Your brain: 40% interpersonal, 100% visual, 200% verbal, and 60% mathematical!

Congratulations on being 400% smart! Actually, on my test, everyone is. The above score breaks down what kind of thinking you most enjoy doing. A score above 100% means you use that kind of thinking more than average, and a score below 100% means you use it less. It says nothing about how good you are at any one, just how interested you are in each, relatively. A substantial difference in scores between two people means, conclusively, that they are different kinds of thinkers.

Matching Summary: Each of us has different tastes. Still, I offer the following advice, which I think is obvious:

  1. Don't date someone if your interpersonal percentages differ by more than 80%.
  2. Don't be friends with someone if your verbal percentages differ by more than 100%.
  3. Don't have sex with someone if their math percentage is over 200%.

Link: The 4-Variable IQ Test written by chriscoyne on OkCupid, home of the The Dating Persona Test
View My Profile(chriscoyne)

Your Score: Myrna Loy

You scored 14% grit, 23% wit, 23% flair, and 47% class!

You are class itself, the calm, confident "perfect woman." Men turn and look at you admiringly as you walk down the street, and even your rivals have a grudging respect for you. You always know the right thing to say, do and, of course, wear. You can take charge of a situation when things get out of hand, and you're a great help to your partner even if they don't immediately see or know it. You are one classy dame. Your screen partners include William Powell and Cary Grant, you little simmerpot, you.

Find out what kind of classic leading man you'd make by taking the
Classic Leading Man Test.

Link: The Classic Dames Test written by gidgetgoes on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test
View My Profile(gidgetgoes)

You Are An ISFJ

The Nurturer

You have a strong need to belong, and you very loyal.
A good listener, you excel at helping others in practical ways.
In your spare time, you enjoy engaging your senses through art, cooking, and music.
You find it easy to be devoted to one person, who you do special things for.

In love, you express your emotions through actions.
Taking care of someone is how you love them. And you do it well!

At work, you do well in a structured environment. You complete tasks well and on time.
You would make a good interior designer, chef, or child psychologist.

How you see yourself: Competent, dependable, and detail oriented

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Boring, dominant, and stuck in a rut
What's Your Personality Type?

Who is Your Ideal TV Boyfriend?

Created by BuddyTV

6 - the Questioner

Thanks for taking the test !

you chose CY - your Enneagram type is SIX (aka "The Loyalist").

"I am affectionate and skeptical"

Questioners are responsible, trustworthy, and value loyalty to family,
friends, groups, and causes. Their personalities range broadly from reserved
and timid to outspoken and confrontative.

How to Get Along with Me

  • Be direct and clear.

  • Listen to me carefully.

  • Don't judge me for my anxiety.

  • Work things through with me.

  • Reassure me that everything is OK between us.

  • Laugh and make jokes with me.

  • Gently push me toward new experiences.

  • Try not to overreact to my overreacting.

What I Like About Being a SIX

  • being committed and faithful to family and friends

  • being responsible and hardworking

  • being compassionate toward others

  • having intellect and wit

  • being a nonconformist

  • confronting danger bravely

  • being direct and assertive

What's Hard About Being a SIX

  • the constant push and pull involved in trying to make up my mind

  • procrastinating because of fear of failure; having little confidence
    in myself

  • fearing being abandoned or taken advantage of

  • exhausting myself by worrying and scanning for danger

  • wishing I had a rule book at work so I could do everything right

  • being too critical of myself when I haven't lived up to my expectations

SIXes as Children Often

  • are friendly, likable, and dependable, and/or sarcastic, bossy, and

  • are anxious and hypervigilant; anticipate danger

  • form a team of "us against them" with a best friend or parent

  • look to groups or authorities to protect them and/or question authority and rebel

  • are neglected or abused, come from unpredictable or alcoholic families, and/or take on the fearfulness of an overly anxious parent

SIXes as Parents

  • are often loving, nurturing, and have a strong sense of duty

  • are sometimes reluctant to give their children independence

  • worry more than most that their children will get hurt

  • sometimes have trouble saying no and setting boundaries

Renee Baron & Elizabeth Wagele

The Enneagram Made Easy

Discover the 9 Types of People

SanFrancisco, 1994, 161 pages

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You chose CY

Would you rather have chosen:

  • AY (EIGHT)
  • BY (FOUR)
  • CX (TWO)
  • CZ (ONE)

  • Link: The Quick & Painless ENNEAGRAM Test written by felk on Ok Cupid
    Your Love Number is 6

    Who you fall in love with is all about who you trust.
    Loyalty is important to you, and you want the most faithful of lovers.
    In return, you never let your heart or eyes wander.
    Open and honest, your relationships tend to be free of secrets.
    What Is Your Love Number?

    Your Five Factor Personality Profile


    You have low extroversion.
    You are quiet and reserved in most social situations.
    A low key, laid back lifestyle is important to you.
    You tend to bond slowly, over time, with one or two people.


    You have medium conscientiousness.
    You're generally good at balancing work and play.
    When you need to buckle down, you can usually get tasks done.
    But you've been known to goof off when you know you can get away with it.


    You have medium agreeableness.
    You're generally a friendly and trusting person.
    But you also have a healthy dose of cynicism.
    You get along well with others, as long as they play fair.


    You have low neuroticism.
    You are very emotionally stable and mentally together.
    Only the greatest setbacks upset you, and you bounce back quickly.
    Overall, you are typically calm and relaxed - making others feel secure.

    Openness to experience:

    Your openness to new experiences is medium.
    You are generally broad minded when it come to new things.
    But if something crosses a moral line, there's no way you'll approve of it.
    You are suspicious of anything too wacky, though you do still consider creativity a virtue.
    The Five Factor Personality Test

    You Are 25% Open

    You are open at times, but generally you don't let many people into your inner world.
    It's possible that you have a friend or two that knows you well.
    But to most people, you are a total mystery.
    How Open Are You?

    Your Birthdate: July 28

    You don't just believe in love at first site - you've experienced it.
    You develop crushes pretty easily, but keeping your interest is another matter!
    You are very prone to love - hate relationships.

    Number of True Loves You'll Have: 1

    Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 6

    You are most compatible with people born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th of the month.
    What Does Your Birth Date Mean For Your Love Life?

    You've Changed 64% in 10 Years

    Compared to who you were ten years ago, you've changed a great deal.
    In fact, you're probably in a completely different phase of your life - and very happy about it!
    How Much Have You Changed in 10 Years?

    What kind of pirate am I? You decide!
    You can also view a breakdown of results or put one of these on your own page!
    Brought to you by Rum and Monkey

    You scored as Elizabeth Bennet. As one of Austen's most beloved characters, Elizabeth Bennet represents what most women would like to become: strong, independent, and loyal. Of course, she has her faults including a stubborn will of iron and a clinging to first impressions. Overall, Lizzie is bright and lovable...something to admire and aspire to.

    Elizabeth Bennet
    Elinor Dashwood
    Emma Woodhouse
    Jane Bennet
    Lady Catherine
    Marianne Dashwood
    Charlotte Lucas
    Which Jane Austen Character are You? (For Females) Long Quiz!!!
    created with

    What American accent do you have?
    Your Result: The Midland

    "You have a Midland accent" is just another way of saying "you don't have an accent." You probably are from the Midland (Pennsylvania, southern Ohio, southern Indiana, southern Illinois, and Missouri) but then for all we know you could be from Florida or Charleston or one of those big southern cities like Atlanta or Dallas. You have a good voice for TV and radio.
    The West

    The Inland North


    The South


    North Central

    The Northeast

    What American accent do you have?
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    What type of mythical being are you? [Anime pics]

    ELFTalented. Generous. Selfless.You are a most charitable being indeed. You are dedicated to helping others, and sharing everything you are given.You use your talents, which you have in abundance, for the good of all and never hesitate to give all you can. You'll bend over backwards for anyone. You never seem to tire, either.You are strong--you could conquer the world with your good deeds.
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    You Are Apple Green

    You are almost super-humanly upbeat. You have a very positive energy that surrounds you.
    And while you are happy go lucky, you're also charmingly assertive.
    You get what you want, even if you have to persuade those against you to see things your way.
    Reflective and thoughtful, you know yourself well - and you know that you want out of life.
    What Color Green Are You?

    You Are 78% Grown Up, 22% Kid

    Congratulations, you are definitely quite emotionally mature.
    Although you have your moments of moodiness, you're usually stable and level headed.
    How Emotionally Mature Are You?

    You Are 50% Left Brained, 50% Right Brained

    The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning.
    Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others.
    If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic.
    Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet.

    The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility.
    Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way.
    If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art.
    Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports.
    Are You Right or Left Brained?

    As Snape, you may ultimately like to appear you are doing the greater good, but you are hostile and unfriendly towards others. You are intelligent, resourceful and authorative. You also have a lucrative contract with l'Oriel.
    You are Betty Grable

    The ulitmate girl next door
    You're the perfect girl for most guys
    Pretty yet approachable. Beautiful yet real.
    What Famous Pinup Are You?You Are a Golden Blonde

    Men see you as flirty and fun, yet deep and thoughtful
    You've got all the pizzazz of a blonde...
    With the intensity of a brunette
    How Blonde Are You?
    You Communicate With Your Ears

    You love conversations, both as a listener and a talker.
    What people say is important to you, and you're often most affected by words, not actions.
    You love to hear complements from others. And when you're upset, you often talk to yourself.
    Music is very important to you. It's difficult to find you without your iPod.
    How Do You Communicate?

    Your Brain's Pattern

    You have a dreamy mind, full of fancy and fantasy.
    You have the ability to stay forever entertained with your thoughts.
    People may say you're hard to read, but that's because you're so internally focused.
    But when you do share what you're thinking, people are impressed with your imagination.
    What Pattern Is Your Brain?

    Your Political Profile:Overall: 50% Conservative, 50% LiberalSocial Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% LiberalPersonal Responsibility: 75% Conservative, 25% LiberalFiscal Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% LiberalEthics: 0% Conservative, 100% LiberalDefense and Crime: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal
    How Liberal Or Conservative Are You?

    You Are a Prophet Soul

    You are a gentle soul, with good intentions toward everyone.
    Selfless and kind, you have great faith in people.
    Sometimes this faith can lead to disappoinment in the long run.
    No matter what, you deal with everything in a calm and balanced way.

    You are a good interpreter, very sensitive, intuitive, caring, and gentle.
    Concerned about the world, you are good at predicting people's feelings.
    A seeker of wisdom, you are a life long learner looking for purpose and meaning.
    You are a great thinker and communicator, but not necessarily a doer.

    Souls you are most compatible with: Bright Star Soul and Dreaming Soul
    What Kind of Soul Are You?

    Your Linguistic Profile::70% General American English10% Upper Midwestern10% Yankee5% Midwestern0% Dixie
    What Kind of American English Do You Speak?

    You Are The Moon

    You represent the unconscious side of life, what happens in dreams.

    You are capable of great genius - but also of great madness.

    Emotions tend to be primal for you, both your fears and your fantasies.

    Your intuition is always right, listening to it is the difficult part.

    Your fortune:

    You are about to embark on a very important journey - and a very difficult one.

    Some of your deepest dreams will be realized, as well as some of your deepest nightmares.

    Follow your creativity and visions; stay away from your weaknesses.

    You are taking a voyage to the center of yourself, and you may be pleasantly surprised by what you discover.

    What Tarot Card Are You?
    What Your Soul Really Looks Like

    You are a wanderer. You constantly long for a new adventure, challenge, or eve a completely different life.

    You are a grounded person, but you also leave room for imagination and dreams. You feet may be on the ground, but you're head is in the clouds.

    You see yourself with pretty objective eyes. How you view yourself is almost exactly how other people view you.

    Your near future is a lot like the present, and as far as you're concerned, that's a very good thing.

    For you, love is all about caring and comfort. You couldn't fall in love with someone you didn't trust.
    Inside the Room of Your Soul
    You Are 20% Obsessive

    You're less prone to obsessive thoughts than the rest of the world...
    While you do get hung up from time to time, you're excellent at clearing your mind.
    How Obsessive Are You?

    You Were a Lynx

    You are a great knower and keeper of secrets.
    A bit psychic, you can bring out hidden truths.
    What Animal Were You In a Past Life?

    Your True Love Is a Gemini

    Why you'll love a Gemini:

    Witty and sharp, a Gemini can keep up with your fast (and ever changing) mind.
    You're both fun loving and free spirits. You and a Gemini can enjoy each other without expectations.

    Why a Gemini will love you:

    Not only can you keep up with a Gemini's sharp tongue, you can introduce a challenge or two...
    You're appetite for fun and novelty will keep a Gemini interested - at least for a bit longer than usual!
    What Sign Is Your True Love?

    Your Dosha is Pitta

    You have a quick mind, a gift for persuasion, and a sharp sense of humor.
    You have both the drive and people skills to be a very successful leader.
    Argumentative and a bit stubborn, you have been known to be a little too set in your ways.
    But while you may be biased toward your own point of view, you are always honest, fair, and ethical.

    With friends: You are outgoing and open to anyone who might want to talk to you

    In love: You are picky but passionate

    To achieve more balance: Be less judgmental of those around you, and take cool walks in the moonlight.
    What's Your Dosha?

    Who Should Paint You: Tamara de Lempicka

    You're universally attractive with a modern appeal
    A portrait of you would be both bewitching and approachable
    What Artist Should Paint Your Portrait?

    You Are Apple Red

    You're never one to take life too seriously, and because of it, you're a ton of fun.
    And although you have a great sense of humor, you are never superficial.
    Deep and caring, you do like to get to the core of people - to understand them well.
    However, any probing you do is light hearted and fun, sometimes causing people to misjudge you.
    What Color Red Are You?

    JULY: Fun to be with. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to be understood. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Takes pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people's feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable. Emotional temperamental and unpredictable. Moody and easily hurt. Witty and sparkly. Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets. Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things. Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. Caring and loving. Treats others equally. Strong sense of sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people through observations. Hardworking. No difficulties in studying. Loves to be alone. Always broods about the past and the old friends. Likes to be quiet. Homely person. Waits for friends. Never looks for friends. Not aggressive unless provoked. Prone to having stomach and dieting problems. Loves to be loved. Easily hurt but takes long to recover.

    Take the quiz at

    You scored as Cyclops. Cyclops is the team leader of the X-Men, and a skilled one at that. He loves Jean Grey very much. He's a strict and sometimes uptight leader, but he believes in his cause and he knows what he's fighting for... Peace between Mutants and Humans. Powers: Optic blasts

    Jean Grey
    Emma Frost
    Most Comprehensive X-Men Personality Quiz 2.0
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