Oct 06, 2007 12:53
I have to fight being depressed today. I don't want to be all sad again. I need to occupy my mind, find other things to think about. At least I have a party to help plan and make invitations for.
The car is still not operational. Rain stopped us twice now, and the need to find a job stopped us again. We were supposed to work on it today, but there's a football game, and living across the street from FSU stadium means a full parking lot and no room to work on car, so tomorrow, hopefully, we'll finally finishing replacing that damned alternator. At this point, it better work! The battery is under warranty, so replacing that won't cost anything, if that's necessary, and I'll get $25 back when I turn in the old alternator.
It's been a good week. Really busy, which is nice, compared to bored stiff. Maybe I can find a ride to the thrift store. That would be fun.
My friend is coming over shortly so we can hang out, finish the invitations and all. Good times. At some point I do have to catch up in English class. I'm not behind on the assignments we turn in, I've just been lazy about the ones we do online. That may hurt my A. I think I have most of the day, at least the morning, tomorrow to work on that.