Oct 05, 2005 21:30
My mind is full of many thoughts most of which people could never understand, and would never believe, but here are some a certain person MIGHT understand... You think your so tough, and it makes me laugh because your really just a bitch, who talks a whole lota shit about people, and then all of the sudden...YOUR MY BEST FRIEND!!! that's dumb, if they only knew. Another thing. Don't play with people, don't be miss matchmaker and think that you have the magic touch, your only going to fuck people over and piss people off, i really don't understand you and why you think that ... the more friends you have the better you are, i really and highly disagree with that statement, I think that's a load of shit, 3 or 4 close friends is all i need, i don't have time for bitches and hoes, no thanks. honestly i think you just do these things to make people happy, when you should be worried about yourself and not what other people think of you, life is not a popularity contest, and don't worry you wouldn't have won anyway, it's not like im saying im popular, i could care lesssssssssssssss, i really had more respect for you over the summer, but right now your choice of friends and they way you act towards me has completely changed that. It's funny how when you have problems you ask me and i try, but the second i have one you don't have time. or like plans that we make and then one of your "BEST FRIENDS" calls you up, oh i have to go with them. you have no idea what it feels like. i hope you know you break my heart, and you really are a very rude person, and a bitch 24-7. i hope you had a bad day.