Jun 09, 2007 13:22
I got the job!!
I'm starting waitressing on monday at hamilton inn in millerton..pretty stoked. I have to break out my dorky housy jazz choir tuxedo shirt, but i have to say i do look pretty official in it.
my hands smell like dirt and it makes me so happy. i just planted some more beautiful flowers in the red/orange/yellow patch my mom and i have going down near the road in front of the house. its very beautiful...especially the new zinnias we have. I also got some more herbies for my little garden in back...some purple basil to add the the large amount of green basil i have going, and some cilantro. in a few weeks it should be good to pick at again...its sooo delicious. And im going to do some research on growing garlic because that is something i DEFINITLY need to start growing...if there is ever the odd ocassion that this house does not have any garlic, i want to be able to just go out and pick some, like i can do with my lavander, thyme, basil, and oregano. gardening really makes me so happy. its such a neat hobby. and i'm glad adam likes it too, its nice to have him really get excited about it just as much as i do. he loves to nurture and help things grow.
i really have been so happy lately, and i have been sleeping really well and really easily...i think i kicked my insomnia because i havent needed any help to sleep in the past week. i think it has to do with all of the being outside and getting in better shape doing lots of stretching and yoga. i've also gotten better at the piano.
AHHHH naoooomi come home noowwwwww...i miss you so much and i can't wait til we can garden together and you can share the glory and wealth of it with me.