Sep 30, 2004 17:46
hola. well we had our first tennis matches today and we beat buena park 18-0! whoo! it was very fun. today was pretty awesome too. it was early day and i didnt have to go to sixth period so me, brittany, danielle, ellen, caitlyn, elizabeth, and both kelseys went to lunch at carrow's. wow that was fun. we had a spit ball fight....not with actual spit balls tho. just little balls of paper. we walked in there and like all there was was old people. it was wierd. i mean i dont have anything against them im just saying. yeah so back to school night is tonight and i have to go. it sucks. man it feels like friday already. why dont they ever make short days on fridays? and what happend to late starts? those were the best. o man. good times. well i guess thats all for now. adios!