Apr 12, 2008 08:50
Ramza...? Are you tied up to someone? If not...can I come and hang out with you on Ivalice for a while? Mikeala's kind of...tied up to Eros at the moment and her mom's getting suspicious.
Blackout's so close to her right now...if he hurts her...I don't know what I'll do but, it's not going to be pleasant.
Eros says he won't let him hurt anyone while he's there but I really can't believe that. Mikeala's my friend, I won't let anyone hurt her. Even if they used to be a man made out of metal and is the consort of a god.[/private]
((Note: Since Wednesday's mun won't be available until the thirteenth (irony!) Ty Lee won't be affected by the virus until then.))
tied up virus,