[RL with Azula] I came home in the middle of the night

Apr 03, 2009 21:34

It was strange. It really was (I want you to come over) and it just didn't set well with Ty Lee at all. Things had changed when Ozai came to the community (he thinks you're my consort of all things!). It would make anyone, even Ty Lee, give a small shudder.

Azula had acted so...strange. She didn't know why, even now. Azula was supposed to be strong, brave, (the circus) and maybe a bit ruthless. That was what made her 'pretty'. Prettiness was really never about looks to Ty Lee, even if it semed like that. Those few days were...unsettling.

Now, Ty Lee once again was a guy. It wasn't so bad, that virus gave her some familarity with this form. It wasn't as strange but Azula (You're not going to be male forever) had reacted differently this time around. Was it strange to be a guy? Yes, it was but she'd been there before.

Azula didn't even seem to want to see her...It didn't matter. Ty Lee would show up anyways.

Following the familar path to Azula's quarters, she knocked. "Azula!" she called, a bit surprised at how deep her voice was. "It's me! Can I come in?"

rl, ozai the farmer plot, yes i 'm a guy stfu, dai li plot, azula

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