Dec 25, 2005 21:06
Ooooh yeah...I was totally feelin' the love on this Day of Jesus' birth
The Spread
>New sheets for my bed (since I wore a hole in my other set about where my tush lies ^^; ). Their light they'll match the comforter. From my parents.
>New speakers (again). Maybe this time they'll last longer than a month, eh? From my Da
>A Chicago Bears aunt gets impression that I care about the sports teams of Chicago ^^;. Its an okay hoodie, my PCC hoodie but I don't think I'll be wearing it that often. Obviously from my aunt.
>Candle...And an oddly shaped one at that. Ya know those pictures of kings and queens wearing their big fancy crowns and holding their scepters and this little jeweled ball in their hands (Like coronation paintings I guess)? Well the candle looks like that...and its purple...Did I mention how much I dislike purple now? Again from my aunt.
>Gift card from Jess ~^^~ from Borders. That girl knows what I like.
>I consider this a Christmas gift from Tray. I spent the whole day with her, driving 'round Suffolk and Chesapeake getting presents for her friends and boyfriend. It was fun ~^^~ We had lunch and dinner together, talked about pretty much everything. I ended up spending the night. It was terribly hard not to cuddle with her ^^; Thank you Tracy for that wonderful day~
And I'm gonna be a whiny brat about Christmas...because this has always been the time of year where I could get what I actually wanted. I didn't get the acoustic guitar I asked for...Instead I was provided with the option of either getting a guitar or paying off all my clogging crap...I still haven't given my mom her answer. It seems like she came to that decision herself. My dad appeared like he still wanted to get me one. I didn't get Guitar Hero either. The comment my mom made two weeks ago was, "Why should I buy you a guitar and then buy you a video game that mimics playing one?" *sigh* whatever. I only asked for two things this year from my family and I didn't get anything...
My Stocking
This ended up turning out better than my presents!!!
>Cool Tenchi figurine from Tenchi Muyo!. My aunt found it in like a second hand he doesn't have the sword. My aunt bought it because it was something anime...she didn't know what it was from or who it was so she was hoping that when I saw him I'd bust out the geekiness. ^^; I did...was probably the favorite thing I got for Christmas.
>Turtle of my fav kind of candy too~
>Butterfinger bells
>Solid Milk Chocolate Santa.
>Two Kinds of Mentos...mixed fruit and strawberry ~^^~
>Milky Way Santa Head.
>German candy
>Hazelnut and chocolate seashells
>Biore nose strips
>Venus razors ^^; I don't use a Venus anymore so I'll be giving them to Tray.
>And last but not least, AA batteries for my electronic crap.
All That Excitement For Nothing
I was looking forward to Christmas soo much...I was left disappointed. First it was with the gifts...then it was with dinner.
I wanted to record the gift-opening...since Devin couldn't be there...but the moment my aunt saw the camera she got kinda pissed. Despite my intentions, I wasn't allowed to film her, only my mom, dad, and brother opening their gifts. No body recorded me...or offered for that matter. Hopefully I can make up for the lack of present footage when Devin gets here and we open each other's gifts.
I wasted some camera time on my cat with her new toy that I got her for Chrismas. That brought a smile to my face as well as talking to Dev on and off today.
Laurie wanted to know all about the things I had been doing this year. I started off showing her my Mask projects from my last year of art in high school. She loved them and praised me...disappointed though that I didn't bring down any drawings for her to look at. Next, I gathered photos of Devin and me at my prom and his. I also had my camera handy to show my aunt the stills on it... but the entire time she seemed so disinterested...I gave up on showing her anymore of anything with Dev and I together.
My aunt took total control of the pissed off my she hardly aunt ran off to talk to her new beau almost immeadiatly after dinner...*sigh* I retreated to my room to try and make the best of the rest of my evening...
I was also really looking forward to Christmas because the day after, Devin would be coming up to spend time with me till after New Years. His lawyer needed him the morning of the he won't be coming till the afternoon or evening. I was sad...but I understood the reason and did my best not to mull over it.
But When He Does Visit...
I plan on spending as much time as I can with Dev. In a way my Christmas hasn't come until he comes up here. I apparently have 8 or so gifts waiting just for me when he gets here, aside from the split-sole taps I asked for ^^; "You think that after us being together for nearly a year, I'm just gonna buy you one gift?" XD Well I don't feel too terrible about my presents because Dev got one for my mom, dad, and Joshua. I dunno what Dev got them or the other presents he got for I'm kinda worried.
We plan to open our presents to each other at his hotel room and then give my family their gifts later.
Well thats that. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. See ya on the other side! ~^.~