Jun 26, 2005 20:08
What is sexy? An age old question bosed by various media campaigns, and something pondered by man kind. What is sexy? Is it money, curves, tits, ass, personality, legs, eyes, humor? NO! NONE OF THAT. Its Yenmi, Yenmi Tang that is sexy. She brings new meaning to the word sexy, alowing it to surpass its everyday use and take on a new sense. Yenmi is not just sexy, she is DEAD sexy. How can something be dead sexy? Can death even be sexy? I think Yenmi embodies something so sexy that it would make her above human-something from the other realm? An Angel perhaps? But whatever it is she definetely not from this world/realm, she is just to sexy-the easiest way to believe that something is supernatural (such as her sex appeal) is that it is from the afterlife, from death.
Yenmi is dead sexy