Feb 28, 2006 23:23
Apparently, I haven't been updating well enough, so I'm here to satisfy "the few," all the while going against the communist ideal "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."
Life has been good to me lately, despite the part about me being sick. Things haven't been too stressful, and I recently encountered an enchanting young man by the name of Garlen. We met on my first night at the Midwest BLGTA College Conference in Sioux Falls a couple weekends ago, and hit it off pretty quickly. I do believe he makes me feel better about myself than anyone I've dated, as well as many of the people I know whom I have not dated. Needless to say, I'm more than excited that he'll be taking time from his spring break to visit me :-D
Moving on... some people are sick of hearing me talk about Garlen, and I don't blame them. Band trip is in a couple of weeks. I'm giving up my Spring Break to go to New York and play music, all the while dressing like an 80 year old man. "Gentlemen -- Daytime dress is long pants and collared shirt. Ties are optional. No jeans, T-shirts or sweatshirts!" And that's our non-formal dress code. Joy. Oh, well. It will hopefully be somewhat fun. I wonder if bondage pants counts as inappropriate clothing...
Bah, it's cold in here. Damn you, Craig's friends, for smelling up the room with your bodies. Now we have to air it out in our winter weather.
I'm coming home! For a bit... Probably late (like... 2 AM on Saturday) and then I have leave sometime on Saturday, or early Sunday. Gotta be back at school by 2. Play practice is taking over my life... but only for a few more weeks. I think it's this week, then spring break, then two weeks and then we open. AH! It's coming up so fast! At least it's a fun play.
And yeah... that's it for now. Later, gators!