shame about the weather...

Sep 04, 2007 07:40

Hi everyone!

Does anyone even remember me? haha! Ive been MIA since July. No bad reason, just LIFE. I have been so busy, its crazy. A friend has been in the hospital (she is better now), a co-worker was out of work, boss went on extended vacation, my DH got a new job, etc. I got a lot of overtime though, so thats good!!

The last I was posting about was starting to take Provera. Luckily it has been working for me, I have had 3 successful periods in a row, all exactly 28 days apart from each other. It has been SLOOOOOOOOW on the baby-making front though, as hubby started a new job, and Ive been so exhausted. I just found out my 19 year old newly married cousin is pregnant, and that has kind of reminded me that work should not be a priority, starting a family should. Not that money isn't important, but I kind of let things get away from me.

Anyway, I hope everyone on my f-list is doing well! Hopefully my crazy stuff will start to calm down and I will have more time to update and read other peoples updates. If you get a sec, let me know how things are going with you! Ive missed posting and talking with all of you!!
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