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For the literary LiveJournalers
Jun 12, 2009 11:56
In honor of Hebrew Book Week, Haaretz journalists were given some time off and replaced by some of Israel's leading authors and poets.
"Among those articles were gems like the stock market summary, by author Avri Herling. It went like this: 'Everything’s okay. Everything’s like usual. Yesterday trading ended. Everything’s okay. The economists went to their homes, the laundry is drying on the lines, dinners are waiting in place… Dow Jones traded steadily and closed with 8,761 points, Nasdaq added 0.9% to a level of 1,860 points…. The guy from the shakshuka [an Israeli egg-and-tomato dish] shop raised his prices again….' The TV review by Eshkol Nevo opened with these words: 'I didn’t watch TV yesterday.' And the weather report was a poem by Roni Somek, titled 'Summer Sonnet.' ('Summer is the pencil/that is least sharp/in the seasons’ pencil case.')"
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