Mar 28, 2004 01:23
i no i commmented already today but im mad bored
u no sumthing u all, i was reading over all mah entries, notice that basically on every entry that im happy in there are NO COMMENTS, there are like 2 comments in an entry wich im happy in, 1's guud n its from payal, the other one is like 6 words long n its from kaity, now the only person that leaves me comments in hurr is kaity, no1 else does but i no alot of u read it..well w.e i jes noticed that if im mad.. -->kaity, i get a bunch of shyt bout forget bout aj n hes a __ n ___ n ____ n a bunch of other BLEEPS but wen im happy, it makes me feel like no one acknowledges that...w.e man, fuck this its high school drama, the real deal starts once i leave this fucking city, and this fucking life, and fucked up ppl, ill never forget the tru friends, im happy atleast kaity takes the tyme to bitch at me tho so thanxs kaity :), and to the rest of u, who noe this site, n read it and decide to not take the tyme to help me out if i need it, then u jes arent real friends, i no it, im not saying any names but i think u all no who im tlkin bout. :-/
love mah TRU FRIENDS
love sneha
//*//~Da MoMeNTs We-*- LauGHeD-n-CRiED~//*//
//*//..aLWaYz STooD By-*-eaCH oTHaZ SiDe..//*//
//*//~Da MaNy DaYs-*-We sPeNT ToGeTHa~//*//
//*//........WiLL STaY iN mA HeArT*FoEvA*.//*//
love u krupal, alka, kaity, n nina
sum of u i known since i was 5-wink-, sum since i was in 4th grade -wink- sum since i was in 6th grade-wink-, and sum i met a couple of months ago threw sumone else, but wether it was in a few days or a few years u all impacted mah life so much, u gave me THE BEST advice u cud possibly give.
krupal-in the last what 2 months? not even, ive grown to no u n no me, ur mah bro, mah first bro, (well fake one) hehe, and i already love u, its hard not to esp after what u did for me, i no u will b by mah side n wont ever let go, i no u will watch out for ur lil sis, looks like this raksha bhandan i will b buying an extra rakhi. :) i love you bhaiya.
alka-i dont have words for you, one more year and u will b gone, 2 and we both will b far away from each other,in 5 years you will b getting married and i mite b getting engaged, in 10 years you mite b having your first kid and i mite b getting married, but no matter what milestones we come over it will always be together. This sister isnt leaving her house and going with her husband, cuz ill make sure i grab ur butt and take it with me! on the honeymoon too, jes get another room ;) hehe. U do so much for me, whatever i say u try n do, u give me advice, and help me with anything u can. I lvoe you alka patel!
Kaity- KAITY DALLAIRE-SNEHA PUNJABI since fourth grade bitch! u arent leaving me yet, actually u arent leaving me ever, u wanna go to florida fine, but if i dont get an email everyday imma gonna hunt u down! ill fucking buy u a computer, they say friends in high school drift apart, n mostly dont see each other again, not us 2, together till the end, u EVER need ANYTHING, dont hesitate to ask me, cuz a REAL friend will never turn their back on u, n neither will I. I love you KD!
Nina- Nina known u since i was 5, the longest out of all these hoez up above u, i save the best for last. ya mayb we werent as tite, but who new that in jes a couple of months of goin to the Y together we wud grow so tite, u understand me like noone else does, and u arent even in the situation that im in, and u hate ur mom too!! lol, honestly i can say that if i ever loose u i wudnt no what to do with mah self, because that 3 hours a week tlking to u at the Y, keeps me going the whole week, maybe even for 2 if i dont see u, i hope that everything u want u get, esp cris, i no how much u love him, and cant live without him, and DONT U EVER DO ANYTHING STUPID LIEK THAT FOREHEAD THING TO UR SELF AGAIN! or I will kill u! naw not really lol ill jes hurt u hehe, n then cris will kill me for real lol..i love you so much girl, cant wait till i see u everyday next year, WOOHOO, cant wait till i drive me n u gonna go chill everrryy day! i love you hunni...VASWANI N DASANI FO EVER!
mah real friends, no matter what i do u dont give up on me, forgive me for any mistakes ive made, anything that gets u or has gotten u mad, anything at all. Mah heart is connected with yours, i live for you, anything happens to u i wont no what to do with mah self.
* Expect nothing, hope for the worst, and you'll never be disappointed.>>so damn tru
* Sometimes we must get hurt in order to grow, we must fail in order to know, Sometimes our vision clears only after our eyes are washed away with tears..*