Apr 22, 2005 23:00
so today i went to davis and practically fell in love with a major from their catalog. but now i'm so torn now between davis and chico. they both have a lot of the same to offer and a lot of differences to offer. then again, i haven't even heard back from davis yet so i could be doing all this questioning for nothing. but anyways on to the likes... so davis is a uc and will satisfy my longing to be challenged in school (as of right now i feel like i'm dying for a challenge at sfsu) but maybe its just my state school and chico could be a different story. they both have a more community base feel but for some reason chico's got to me more. davis is closer to the bay area, and i hate that chico is so far from any large city (i cant even believe that people from around there consider chico to be the destination for the big city). i know some people in chico as well as would be able to join the chico chapter of my sorority, i don't really know anyone i'd be willing to call up in davis nor does it have a chapter of my sorority... but which would i prefer?? i cant decide. davis is a very large campus as well as large student population, chico is small and not as large student body... not sure which one i prefer on that either. so basically, thats where i'm at, not really sure how i feel and need to probably decide by friday. way to leave it til the last minute i know, but would you expect anything less from me on a major life decision??