
Jul 30, 2008 10:10

self-defense: The use of force to protect oneself, one's family, or one's property from a real or threatened attack. Generally, a person is justified in using a reasonable amount of force in self-defense if he or she believes that the danger of bodily harm is imminent and that force is necessary to avoid this danger.

transferred intent: Intent that has been shifted from the originally intended wrongful act to the wrongful act actually committed.


A bank-robber walks into a crowded bank, brandishes a revolver and demands money from a bank teller. The bank teller hands a bag of money to the bank-robber, inadvertantly knocking the gun from the robber's hand. The teller grabs the gun from the floor and fires a shot, missing the bank-robber but killing a customer.

Is the bank-teller guilty of murder?

law school

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