WhOa ................

Jun 28, 2004 09:27

.............ThInGs HaVe bEeN So DaMn WeLl ThE LaSt CoUpLe Of DaZe...............

im really suprized i started talking to this girl named anny from dallas
damn shes really bad ass
.......like no other person ive ever talked too
im really freAkin out cause we get along so well
and like i spent every night lasT week talking to her
and Jayme ( <3 ya jay ) might hate me but i also talked to her all WeEkEnD
...shes just so different and something about her just makes me laugh
i dont know its hard to explain the feeling i get to know most of the time i get her and she gets me
........ ive never had that with someone as i do with her
CRAZY i know but damn she is so fun

.................................TrUe LoVe.....................................

true love is when you wake up in the morning her face appears and you smile. Just thinking about her sexy smile gives you chills up and down your spine. When you miss even a day without hearing her voice you mind seems so lost. All you want to do is breath her in a savor that one breath forever. True love is when you see her and your heart beats faster with anxiousness. That's what true love is, I think. True love is when you'd do anything for her, even if she asked you to drive ten hrs. to see her. You would never turn away from her, your true love.

make another entry laters


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