Jun 09, 2004 12:59
.....But yesterday was somewhat fun when i wasnt FAllINg asleep ( zZzZzZz ) yup super tired since all the rain. : '.; . < RaIn
....... Then on top of all my sleepiness i just had to have a bball game right ahh. Well i went and sAw MARAH < one of the best
J b < who is inspireing....... ANd LIZ < god i wish i was her height just for a moment.. JOked FOr a while before my game
the joke became very clear after the game began. It was horrible i just couldnt get anything started PLAY WISE. So it was just magor buZZ kill you can imagine but i finished with my head held high and i did score 3 points even if i doesnt sound like MUCH it was for ME. Yeah i twised my ankle and pulled a muscle so
iM holding up just fine in A slinge JUST KIDDING
but i am sore as hell anyways gonna take a little nap
see ya : )