Apr 09, 2006 19:39
I'm staring out my dorm window right now and watching the cars go by. It reminds me of the daydreams I had of living in a high rise studio appartment in New York City. I haven't dreamt of that in a while. Arizona is so much different and while I love the openess of the desert, I love the busy city life. I would like to live in both and wonder if I'll be able to in my lifetime.
Phoenix isn't the desert. Phoenix is a shithole. It isn't a city and it isn't the desert, it's suburbs as far as the eye can see. It has no history and has paved over all of its beauty. I get sick just thinking about it. You have to drive for hours to get out of the city sometimes and when you do, it is gourgous.
Fuck America and its track housing. Fuck America and its suburbans, hummers, and excursions. Fuck air conditioning and its over use. Fuck America and its palm trees. Fuck America and its consumer culture. We are a nation of high class whores. We see nature as a burden when we are the one who are killing all life around us.
Why do I like the city? Small footprint. We house people in close proximite and keep them away from the natural environment. The building hoists up up into the sky instead of spralled out over the earth. Everything is closer in the city and doesn't require the use of a car. That's not to say the city isn't polluted, but it forces people to live with their shit, so they are more keen to clean up a little. We fence off the environment to protect it but really we should be fencing ourselves in.
Are we slowly killing this planet? I don't know. The earth my end up adapting to our pollution. That or its just waiting for a string of bacceria to evolve and kill us all. Maybe then life will be given a chance.
Why can't we just stop? That retorical, because we are all hypocrites in the end. Our actions never live up to our words.