Where I have been, the good and bad

Dec 03, 2009 14:17

Reposted here incase AB or RS is missed.

Maybe one or two people here may have wondered or cared what has become of me lately. Life for me has been very crazy lately... well actually its been crazy since 2007 with flooding, and surgery, and pneumonia... oh my!

Since that time I have been working VERY hard to get my life back on track, both mentally and financially. I am happy to say that I have been successful at both. :D

It wasn't easy as it meant a serious cut back on all things that I enjoyed, that included the cel collecting business. In my depression I did sell off a great majority of my collection, but in my heart of hearts I knew it was the right thing to do at the time as well. I do not regret the items I have sold, since the selling of my collection has been part of my recovery.

Financially I really buckled down in 2008, and especially in 2009 when work took away my overtime. But I sat down with the numbers and I worked everything out and even managed to purchase my first home:


With my car paid off, that gave me the extra boost I needed to afford my own home! Even with Taxes and Insurance added to the payment it will only cost me 100 more than my rent was.... and I've more than doubled my living space! I am in love with this house, it is perfect for me. Bebop loves the stairs, he runs up and down them all the time. Aisha, well, she doesn't care too much where she is at as long as I am with her. ^_^

The closing and moving in of my home was a little bittersweet since on Black Friday we (my family) were forced to put our family dog to sleep. She had been with us for 13 years, and was an absolute wonderful dog. She had lost the ability to use her back legs after an accident when missing a jump on the couch, but she didn't care one bit... she was still a friendly and happy dog. The lessons she taught me in overcoming adversity, and how to love, are lessons that I will take with me for the rest of my life. Rest in peace my furry little friend, you are missed.

I had a deal to buy a dog when I moved into my house, and after Maija's passing... I was greatly looking forward to getting her to help me move on after Maija. But the people decided to give the dog away to their family rather than sell her to me. Which is a huge bummer, since it hasn't been easy for me to find a dog my cats can get along with. Finding a dog Bebop doesn't hide from and Aisha doesn't try to beat up.... hasn't been easy. Size didn't matter much either, Bebop ran from and Aisha beat up a 40lb shepard mix and a 11lb terrier... Something worked with this Shiba and I was all excited that my search was over. Oh well... Such is life I guess. As long as the dog is happy that is what matters. :)

So that is where I have been. I do hope to be around a little bit more, though me being fully back is going to get put on hold until my home improvements get done. But I am hoping to be back, and a little more active now. :D
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