RIP Anne... you will be greatly missed.

Mar 04, 2009 04:29

Woooo!  This is epic fail times 2 this time.   My plans to do a journal entry once a week, and failed and it's been nearly 3 months now since I last posted here.  Aye, I have no reason for not posting either... yeah there's work, the few things I do outside of work, and of course the yet again growing apathy I've been feeling.... but yeah, none are reasons.  Or at least good ones.  Especially not reasons to not be in contact with the few friends I've managed to keep online.  Even now I have a difficult time getting myself to type.

Ah, but it is the death of my landlady that gets me writing now.  Now I know some (maybe all of the few of you who read this) may be wondering why my landlady... b/c she was a friend.  Not the kind you go out there and do stuff with, but just a nice and kind older woman, who I spent several hours every 2 weeks or so with.   Perhaps its the shock of seeing her firey life one week and to find a note on her door the next week saying she'd passed, or knowing the injustice of her death.  Which I guess needs some explaining, easy enough to explain, but something I will never understand... but, anyways... all the apartments here int he complex share two large dumpsters that are NEVER too full to put your trash into.... but someone thought that lifting the lid to the trash was too much work and just laid their bags in front of the dumpster...  next day it snows and covers the bags so they look like snow piles.  My land lady trips over it, and the fall breaks a few of her ribs... and well causes serious breathing problems and an infection that lead to her death.  Its shear disgust

What I will remember about Anne was not only her fireball attitude, but her kind heart, her smile, her laugh and shear love of life.  My favorite story she told me was right after she got married to her husband... she was stationed on a base working as a secretary for a general in the army.  The general left with out telling anyone and while he was out he got a call from one of his superiors, and Anne was getting it for not knowing where he'd gone.  When the general got back he yelled at Anne saying that she had no business asking where he'd gone, and Anne replies back to him "you can go to hell for I care, just as long as you tell when you go."  LOL.

Rest in peace my friend.  Your kindness and friendship will not be forgotten, but will be sorely missed.
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