"Everyone plays for club."

Jun 28, 2006 17:46

    Waking up early for practice was a bitch. I don't understand why weight training for a month is really necessary because half the players left for the Reno festivals and J.O's (Junior Olympics).

Everyone plays for club anyway. HA! right. everyone except me. ew. Good news, however, I will be playing for Seal Beach this year or Mizuno. Not sure yet which club my mom will put me in. Ever since i stopped playing club, i've enjoyed my freedom and just playing volleyball for fun and for the school team, but now, high school tryouts are just around the corner and i wish i did continue playing competitively. grr.. i'll have to make sure i'm not falling behind. Tryouts are on the 10th, and i have yet to do some major drills. >.<

Southern California, your weather sucks. It's hot one day, and chilly the next. You're giving the weather man a headache.
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