Dec 02, 2005 07:24
So basically last night, was probably the best time I've ever hung out with Lyssabell and Superman. So it was fun. We went to this Sonic in Cedar Park, because you can go inside. So we go inside and there's this really cool phone thing you use to order. So we ordered and stuff. I swear Lyssabell's mom was on crack or something. She was wacky last night. Then we went and hung out and Lyssa's house, and I could see in Kevin's eyes that he was terrified of Lyssa's dad. So we get there and Kevin got Lyssa the notebook for her birthday, and she showed her dad, and he goes,"Haha, now I really don't like you." I was like," Comppputttterrrr nerrrrd?!?!? Don't say that." So I went over to the couch to watch Billy Madison and Nate was speaking in this weird language. He started torturing Kevin. Haha, poor Kevvv. And I was trying to understand the best I could what Nate was saying. I got this bright idea to try and talk to him in the sam language. So I was like," Go eat Nate a;skldjfl;ajklej;klds" and Lyssa's mom went nuts. She was laughing/screaming at the top of her lungs dude. It was wild. Then I went home. I HOPE YOU HAD A REALLY AWESOME BIRTHDAY, LYSSABELL.
So yeah, I was reading these horoscopes and they were really weird:
Cherrelle: You'll be the center of every party. First you'll be shy but then you'll get used to it-especially when you get attention from someone that you've got your eye on.
Kevin: you keep thinking about a coming up trip but don't leave you head in the clouds, someone significant will slip right through you hands. Make sure you think what's going on now.
Lyss: Make sure you realyl buckle down and take care of what's expected of you.
Mary: Spend your time with you family this month. Call someone you haven't talked to in a while.
Hunter: Okay, sometimes you can be a tiger. This month, on the 14th (or was it the 11th?) you'll realize that something was taken from you and your claws will come out. [if hunter's claws come out towards kevin, then there's realyl going to be an issue]
Sammmy: You will be heartbroken soon but someone will almost immediately come into your life.
So yeah. I just thought these were interesting because a lot of them have to do with things that are going on. Ahhh, man. I have to hurry and get dressed to catch the bus.
fun times.