A Week In the Life Of...

Apr 06, 2008 00:12

A week in the life...

- You must take between 6-8 new photographs each day.
- Your WITL must be CONSECUTIVE. No skipping days.
- You must post your photographs at the end of that day, sometime after the last picture is taken.
- Each photograph must have the time taken beneath and ...a title, with no other explanation.

-You must post these rules at your first entry, then link back to it for the other 6 days so people know what you're doing.
-Your post must say "A Week in the Life of ((Your name/username)), Volume ((whatever day you're up to.))

*** I'm moding the rules just a bit...lol I like padawansguide's idea of noon to noon, since not much happens early on in my day.

Also, times are approximate. :-P

I made breakfast! (9:15am ish)

Leaving for work...

The on ramp. (9:45am)

It's just a dollar to cross the bridge and go work (9:47am)

The Metal Monster (9:49am)

Metal Sculpture ouside of work (10am)

One of my allies at work (11:15am-ish)

Yay for getting out early! (1:40pm)

Abandoned...but safe for the night!

(Okay, so I broke the rules with 9 pictures...but the dog was an extenuating circumstance!)


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