Nov 19, 2005 11:37
went out and listened to some live bands for the first time since i have been in oregon.. which has only been two weeks but actually feels much longer... it was a digging it good time but alas awake until 3 and i just don't do that shit well anymore. was supposed to go to a counter-protest at the lovejoy clinic this early morning but woke unable to fathom walking to, getting on and walking from the train. disappointed in myself but then consider i get up every morning by 6 and sometimes the only way i can try to break that pattern is to avoid sleep until the wee hours. still would have liked meaningful conflict. ah well.
because i will forget, this week:
PE and laparoscopic examination of barn owl
radiographs, pe and surgery on opossum foot lesion
neuro opossum with subluxated vertebrae
biopsy of lesions on staw-colored fruit bat carpus
treated hypoglycemic bats
evaluation of penguin for lameness
more with the goat that had stones (pseudomonas uti... started on enrofloxacin... ok in goats???)
another goat with bloody urine... surgery postponed to next week
new male elephant introduced to one of the females for breeding; he slipped in a big pool of his own semen
examined 2 spiek's gazelle; no anesthesia--> manual restraint. very stressful
next week: two chimp examinations
gotta get my project done
chick from the netherlands will be rooming with me in costa rica. think that should make things even more kick ass as she may be interested in trips out of the central valley that i would have gone on by myself but which are probably a better idea to do with someone else.
BIG NEWS: my dog was found in the basement of a house several blocks from where she ran away. the woman watching her has alzheimers and was uncertain of all that was happening around her as my friend investigated the sightings. my friend, H, sat in the living room of this woman and they chatted for over an hour as H tried to ascertain if this woman was, indeed, caring for my dog. H also had a live trap she wanted to set up in this woman's yard if Zoe truly was lurking in the area. Finally, light entered the woman's mind and she stated "oh, you mean the DOG!!" and she opened the basement door. zoe is now back in lafayette.