Sep 30, 2005 14:56
now that i am in orthopoedic small animal surgery, the character and nature of middle of the night emergencies have changed. From 500kg of writing, painful, colicking horse to 10kg of non-ambulatory, often overweight, frequently sausage shaped dog with a ruptured disc.
last night: just finished clipping my dog in prep for neuro/ortho lab tomorrow am. a called about art opening, so i peddled down to it. the digs looked nice, and the fixins were tasty. i was settling into the mindset of the 'cultured' liberal and wealthy when the pager beeped. back on the bike. ah well. somehow expectations change and optimism prevails. uh, sure.
as i walked down a hall in the hospital today, there was this dude sweeping the floor. he was one of the contractors building the new radiation therapy building. he looks up to me, i smile tightly and he says "wax on, wax off" a reference i immediately placed: karate kid. i had been a child when the movie came out and it was one of those that my sister and i would watch again and again on the grandparent's vcr. so first i thought: insecure about his masculinity; asserting that this act may appear domestic and mundane, but that indeed he was training for some great thing that maybe he isn't completely clear on. or else, with sarcasm and irony, he was comtemplating the balance and import of little things and apparently unimportant acts. or maybe an 'i dare you to make any assessment about my class, station, creed, thoughts, motivation, intellect... even though you're wearing a white coat and are one of the tens of fools speeding around from one end of the hospital to the other... i may clean and you walk right over the surface i just made shine and this may vex me... but at least i don't suffer under any illusion of self-importance."
or maybe sweeping just reminds him of the movie.
so this is the post-modern, hyper-real world.
thinking : if the answer can be found in this system and we don't need to topple it to fix it... "i'd like to buy the world a revolution"