(no subject)

Jun 07, 2005 23:50

About Yourself

General Information

State your full name. Elizabeth Megan Kluttz
Do you like your name? yeah.
If you could change it, would you, and to what? idk probbaly not I like Megan a lot
Tell me your age. 16


What do you want your wedding to be like? with someone i love who really loves me and with everone i want there and just wonderful!
Tell me the perfect setting for when you have sex. with my husband
Have you ever been in love? not yet
Are you in love? no

Your opinions

Rock music is...usually good
Pop music is...good
Your thoughts on anarchy? what? 
Do you believe in God? YES!!!! if you dont somethings wrong with you!


Type of music: country 
Singers: Martina McBride, Kenny Chesney, keith Urban (he's sexy!) 
Food: chicken 
Thing to do: sing, shop idk... 
Thing to say: like
Person to talk to: my mommy 
Subject in school: boys? haha. 
Parent: i love both my parents 
Color, and why: pink cause its pretty
Author: nicholas Sparks 
Book: a Walk to remember 
Candy: milk duds

Last, just random questions and things about you.

Do you like yourself? yeah!
What do you like about yourself? lots of things.
What dont you like about yourself? idk i wish i were nicer sometimes or more patient.
Can you play any instruments? yeah.
Are you depressed? no way
Have you ever been suicidal? NO NEVER
Do you do drugs? NO
Do you drink alcohol? nope
Do you miss anyone right now? Who? yeah, well someone i wish things had ended differenty with and we could be friends.
What do you want to do with your life? lots of things: make money, be successful, be happy, fall in love, have children.
What's something you know you want to accomplish before you die? well be a singer, or atleast successful and be a good person.

okay so my weekend with my youth group was bad. we wnet on a mission trip to DC to help the homeless. except certain people had too much control and it was horrible like they told me what to do and made me buy my brother coffee when we had two more meals to eat and i had 20 dollars for 2 people idk and the pastors husband wouldnt let me dry my hair so now i think i have swimmers ear idk it was so bad i was like crying thnaks goodness its over right Mandi! idk it just was bad and im not the only one who thinks so. my parenst said i never have to go back again and all i know is i was on the phone with my mommy so much and i love my parents! But anyways it could have been worse and atleats we helped people and i did get to see my uncle keithy and my cousin Jackson and he lives there for his job so im gonna go visit him and hes gonna take me shopping!

Elizabeth Megan

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