Nov 07, 2004 23:15
this weekend was fun. i made a little road trip out to u of m in ann arbor to visit thsi guy i knwo named sachin. he was really cool. after i was infuriated with the way ppel drive in ann arbor and got there it was confusing i finally found a place to park. so then msachi nand i walked around and talked and we really could amke conversation ti was fun...then we got coffee at star yeah then after taht we talked for a whiel and walked around downtown ann arobor...then he said he had an extra id and it was sorta able to be used for me and i got into necto and the best part was they forgot to x my hand so i got to drink. yeah i danced it up and i ran into dan there which was cool..then i ran into a few of my other friends i knew. so then yeah around i dotn know what time it was we went back to sachins apartment and then chilled for a bit then we both went to sleep. the next day we woke up and talked abit and then he walked me to the parkign garage and well they happend to cahrge me like 30 for parking and i diddent ahve it on me so i ahd them send my dad a bill then i drove him back to his apt and went home...i got lsot ...i ended up in flint, then lansing, then the highway to chicago, then i ended u pat the canada tunnel, then later after taht i ended up i nthe D so i took 94 hoem and finalyl crashed. hung out with brian and jenny and this eric kid for the nite. so then sunday i talked thigsn out with brandon and danielle i hope thigsn are ok now...anyways i went to magic company and had dinner at bb with jenn penn it was nice to talk to her and stuff...i heart jenn penn. but for soem reason now sachin ahsnt been really answering my calls or anythign ehh....this isnt good....but well if he doesent liek me anymroe oh well..i guess it wasnt ment