okayama - set one

Oct 17, 2010 00:59

Title: Scooch on over closer dear
Author: hotfruits
Rating: G
Pairing: Keito/Ryosuke
Disclaimer: Don't own.
Summary: Keito began to move, but when Ryosuke whimpered and cuddled closer to him, he stayed, giving Ryosuke’s hands a squeeze.

written for 10_snuggles - theme #3

Ryosuke burrowed under the warm blankets, shivering, his skin cold and wet as he clutched onto Keito. “I’m sorry,” Ryosuke said, his teeth chattering as Keito pulled him closer, his brows pulled together in worry. “I just, I just had to see you, you know?”

“Not really,” Keito replied, his hands warm on Ryosuke’s back, comforting him, “You shouldn’t have come here, Ryosuke. It’s raining like hell outside, you’re going to get sick.”

“I don’t mind,” Ryosuke sniffled, and he closed his eyes, resting his forehead against Keito’s. He felt bad when Keito winced at the touch, no doubt from his damp bangs, but he didn’t pull away and neither did Keito.

“I love you,” Ryosuke mumbled, his shivering slowly decreasing, and he smiled when Keito said it back, finding it much easier to fall asleep now, safe in Keito’s arms from the nightmares that haunted him.

Keito yawned, a hand over his mouth as he leaned against the wall, relaxing against it. It was nearing two in the morning, and yet they were still at practice, getting ready for the show tomorrow.

Yawning again, Keito stood up and went back over towards the group, plopping down on the stage next to Ryosuke. The younger boy looked over at him and smiled, patting his shoulder. Smiling back, Keito leaned over and placed his head on Ryosuke’s shoulder, feeling grateful as he closed his eyes. He knew he couldn’t sleep, but just relaxing like this, with Ryosuke’s fingers running through his hair, made him feel ready to tackle the rest of practice.

“Hey,” Keito mumbled sleepily, smiling when Ryosuke rolled over and laid his head next to his on the pillow, yawning cutely as he did so. “Sleep well?”

“Very well,” Ryosuke said, snuggling closer to Keito, feeling warm and happy and secure when Keito pulled him closer, kissing his forehead. “I always sleep better when you’re there.”

“Let’s get a place together, then, and we’ll sleep all the time,” Keito laughed, and Ryosuke joined him, because although they were too young to move out now, in a few short years they could, and Ryosuke couldn’t wait to fall asleep next to Keito every night, and wake up with him the next morning too, smiling and cuddling and making idle pillow talk until they decided to roll out of bed.

“And when the kids went into the basement, the body was no longer there!” Ryutaro shined the flashlight under his chin, causing an eerie shadow to fall over his face, and for the rest of the group to scream.

“Scary!” Yuto cried, latching onto Keito and burying his face in his neck. The older boy chuckled and patted Yuto’s head, comforting his frightened friend.

“It’s okay Yuto, it’s just a story,” Keito reminded him, gently untangling himself from Yuto’s grasp; not that he minded the younger boy clinging to him, Yuto was his best friend and all, but the death glare Ryosuke was sending them left him more terrified than Ryutaro’s ghost story.

Ryosuke gasped when the lights suddenly went out, his hands blindly reaching out for Keito’s. He sighed in relief when he found them, using Keito’s hand to pull himself closer to the other boy, feeling panicked by the unexpected black out.

“It’s okay, I’ve got a flashlight in the kitchen. I’ll be-” Keito began to move, but when Ryosuke whimpered and cuddled closer to him, he stayed, giving Ryosuke’s hands a squeeze.

“It’s okay love, just breathe, I’m here,” Keito said, and Ryosuke nodded, closing his eyes and listening to Keito’s soft breathing.

rating: g, p: keito/yamada, hey!say!jump

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