Title: starlight and dewdrops are waiting for thee
hotfruitsPrompts: #1 - Picnic. #2 - Hobbies. for
25fluffyficsRating: PG-13. G.
Characters: Inoo/Chinen. Inoo/Yuto.
Summary: Chinen steals Inoo from class for an impromptu picnic // Yuto and Inoo share a special connection through music.
Folding his arms on his desk, Inoo leaned forward and laid his chin on his hands, sighing. History class had just started half an hour ago, and Inoo was already bored out of his mind. He had tried doodling in his history notebook, but that got tiring after ten minutes. He then texted a few friends, but the only person who responded was Takaki, saying, “LEAVE ME ALONE I’M SEXING UP HARUMA >:D”.
“Augh,” Inoo groaned, looking over at the window, feeling envious of the people out there enjoying the sunshine; there was a girl from his math class he recognized, and a few guys on the baseball team were lounging about, and there was-
“Holy hell,” Inoo sat up a little straighter, squinting his eyes as he stared out the window. When the boy started waving enthusiastically at him, he knew for sure he had seen who he thought he had.
‘Come outside!’ Chinen mouthed to him, gesturing with his hands.
‘No,’ Inoo mouthed back, pointing to the professor at the front of the class, ‘I’m busy!’
Chinen rolled his eyes, placing his hands on his hips, as if to say, ‘Oh please, you’re not paying attention anyways.’
Inoo ran a hand through his hair, debating. He probably should stay in class, just in case they went over material that would be on next week’s exam. Then again, it was very nice outside, and Chinen looked so cute in his green jacket.
Making up his mind, Inoo grabbed his backpack, and when the professor turned his back to the class, he got up, slinging his backpack over his shoulder as he quickly tiptoed out of the room, quietly shutting the door behind him.
“Kei-chan!” Chinen giggled and ran over to Inoo, throwing his arms around him in a big hug. Inoo smiled and hugged him back, “What are you doing here, Yuri?” he asked, setting Chinen back down on his feet.
Chinen grinned and picked up the picnic basket he had set down in order to hug Inoo, showing it to him happily, “I remembered that today was your boring history class, so I decided to steal you and take you on a picnic!”
“That’s so awesome,” Inoo brightened up, feeling like the luckiest guy in the world. “Come on, let’s go, I know the perfect place to have our picnic at,” he said, slipping an arm across Chinen’s shoulders and leading him away from his class.
The lights dim, and Yuto begins banging on the drums, setting the beat and rhythm for their song. Inoo follows closely behind him on the keyboard, hitting the electric keys with nimble fingers.
They’re the foundation of the song, the catchy beat and sweet melody that support the harmonics of Keito and Yabu’s guitars, that compliment the beat of Hikaru’s bass, that give more power to the lyrics Takaki is belting out into the microphone.
Yuto looks over at Inoo and grins, his bangs plastered to his sweaty forehead. Inoo smiles back, noticing the way the stage lights beam down on Yuto, making him shine. Inoo’s breath catches in his throat, and he’s thankful to be here in the background; if he were up there with Keito or Hikaru, then he wouldn’t be able to enjoy this moment, of just him and Yuto and their instruments, making awesome music together.