oo4. haven't slept for weeks, drink some of this. it'll put color in your cheeks

Oct 17, 2011 18:44

[ action ; open ]

[Pyro is just walking around, like usual Mayfield. But today he looks a lot more tired than usual: his steps falter and sometimes he looks close to falling on his face. Every time he trips on himself, he manages to get back up, muttering to himself. Approach him if you dare.]

[ phone ; open ]

[A few hours and a short nap later, Pyro manages to bring himself to the phone.]

Holy fucking flying shit, is there anything to do in this place? I mean, yeah, cool, a few of my teammates came and there was some zombie shit last month to keep us all occupied, but I'm really starting to fucking hate waiting around for Halloween to come! Last I heard, some shit's gonna go down then, but right now I'm fucking itching to do something.

[ action ; 1490 Kramden ]

[Pyro has collapsed on the couch. He accidentally  fell asleep, whoops. It's been about fifty hours since he last slept, so he won't be bothered if you try to wake him up.

When he does wake up, though, it'll be with a scream and in a cold sweat.]

open, 1490 kramden, mayfield, phone, action

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