Jun 04, 2005 01:29
Today Monica and me went to the gibralter fair. It was bunches of fun!! We went on this one ride and i loved it soo much it made me forget about my life. it was cool. Then we went on this water ride... fun too. Then we saw Justin M. Chris D. and Mike so we hungout with them 4 awhile. /then i saw Jeff 4 half a millisecond...but he didnt say nething to me newayz. But yah it was REALLY REALLY fun! I hope me and Monica can do it again. Oh and i have this convo between Monica and me and i thought every1 would like to read it cuz its funny....so here it is~
CrazieMexican34: lmao..o yes!!
CrazieMexican34 returned at 1:01:02 AM.
HotFoxyAngel11: okay!!!
CrazieMexican34: i was hopeing u would sya that
CrazieMexican34: lol
HotFoxyAngel11: lol
HotFoxyAngel11: DER...i knew u were talking about me.... HELLO
CrazieMexican34: lol...of course..and maybe 1 other person
CrazieMexican34: lol
CrazieMexican34: dude..
CrazieMexican34: i wanna read ur note
CrazieMexican34: i wanna go find it
CrazieMexican34: in my room
HotFoxyAngel11: lol
HotFoxyAngel11: ull never find it!
CrazieMexican34: lol..
CrazieMexican34: yes i will
CrazieMexican34: cause i'm cool like that
HotFoxyAngel11: MUAHAHAHHAHHHAHAH....right
HotFoxyAngel11: im DR.EVIL BOW DOWN TO ME!!!
HotFoxyAngel11: whoa....had to get that out...sry<3
CrazieMexican34: lmao
CrazieMexican34: but.
CrazieMexican34: what if i do find it?
HotFoxyAngel11: than ill
HotFoxyAngel11: be like...
HotFoxyAngel11: wtf...howd she get so smart in 2 minutes
CrazieMexican34: =-O
CrazieMexican34: how rude!!
CrazieMexican34: i am smart
CrazieMexican34: atleast i know how to spell answer
CrazieMexican34: so
CrazieMexican34: HAHA
CrazieMexican34: its..
CrazieMexican34: A~N~S~W~E~R
CrazieMexican34: NOT..
CrazieMexican34: A~N~S~E~R
HotFoxyAngel11: hmmmmm...its very nice that u can spell
HotFoxyAngel11: iom very pround of u, monica
HotFoxyAngel11: but wait a second....
HotFoxyAngel11: now is spelling gonna help u find the note........ hmmmmmm
HotFoxyAngel11: NO!
HotFoxyAngel11: MUAHHAHAHA
CrazieMexican34: yes!!
CrazieMexican34: cause i am smart
CrazieMexican34: what if i do?
CrazieMexican34: ok
CrazieMexican34: i have an idea
CrazieMexican34: how bout i read it..
CrazieMexican34: and then...
CrazieMexican34: put it back..
CrazieMexican34: and dont look at it again till next year'
CrazieMexican34: on 6~3~06
CrazieMexican34: ?
HotFoxyAngel11: ummmm
HotFoxyAngel11: ok
CrazieMexican34: ok?
CrazieMexican34: YES:-$
CrazieMexican34: !!*
HotFoxyAngel11: yah
HotFoxyAngel11: i said ok
HotFoxyAngel11: dah
CrazieMexican34: u knoW WHAT
CrazieMexican34: u wanna go?
CrazieMexican34: we can go right now?
CrazieMexican34: i can take yuou
CrazieMexican34: you*
HotFoxyAngel11: sooo....
HotFoxyAngel11: can u take me through the computer...
HotFoxyAngel11: common sense.....
CrazieMexican34: i dont have that
CrazieMexican34: YOPU
CrazieMexican34: YOU*
CrazieMexican34: HAHAHA
CrazieMexican34: ME AND JUSTIN
CrazieMexican34: BOTH AGREE
CrazieMexican34: WE WIN
CrazieMexican34: BRB..
HotFoxyAngel11: wait huh?
HotFoxyAngel11: nooooooway....u cant make me look stupid
CrazieMexican34 is away at 1:16:37 AM.
HotFoxyAngel11: dude..... im not stupid!!! HaHA
Auto response from CrazieMexican34: elise u are a natural blonde
HotFoxyAngel11: goddamnit!!@!!!!!!!!AHHHH u now what im not stup\id!!!
CrazieMexican34: YEA OK SURE..
CrazieMexican34 returned at 1:20:08 AM.
CrazieMexican34: u cant even spell it right
CrazieMexican34: STUPID
CrazieMexican34: elise..
CrazieMexican34: thats how u spell it
CrazieMexican34: not.
CrazieMexican34: STUP/ED
CrazieMexican34: STUPID**
CrazieMexican34: BABHA
CrazieMexican34: GAHA
CrazieMexican34: HAHA
CrazieMexican34: **
CrazieMexican34: MY BAD.
HotFoxyAngel11: HAHA
HotFoxyAngel11: RETARF
HotFoxyAngel11: HAHA
CrazieMexican34: retarf
HotFoxyAngel11: RETARF
CrazieMexican34: haha
HotFoxyAngel11: monica
HotFoxyAngel11: ur my retarf
CrazieMexican34: elise
CrazieMexican34: ur a retard
HotFoxyAngel11: what!
CrazieMexican34: u heard me
CrazieMexican34: did i studder?
HotFoxyAngel11: studder?
CrazieMexican34: lol
HotFoxyAngel11: holdon
CrazieMexican34: k
HotFoxyAngel11: www.dictionary.com
HotFoxyAngel11: whoops
CrazieMexican34: i'm not either
CrazieMexican34: in MY dictionary
CrazieMexican34: it is spelled like that
HotFoxyAngel11: huhh?
HotFoxyAngel11: studer
HotFoxyAngel11: u know what!!!!
HotFoxyAngel11: u keep makiung me more and more confused
HotFoxyAngel11: first......u say studder
HotFoxyAngel11: i TRY lloooking it up to see what \it means
HotFoxyAngel11: then u say its not the word
HotFoxyAngel11: its spelled wrong
HotFoxyAngel11: ur dazed and confused
CrazieMexican34: what>?
CrazieMexican34: what are u talking about?
CrazieMexican34: ur psycho
HotFoxyAngel11: yah...thats why u love me
HotFoxyAngel11: of course
CrazieMexican34: lol
CrazieMexican34: of course
CrazieMexican34: i am to
CrazieMexican34: dont feel bad
HotFoxyAngel11: i dont
HotFoxyAngel11: cuyz ur way more phsyco than me newayz
HotFoxyAngel11: but NEWAYZ
HotFoxyAngel11: yah im gonna go to bed
HotFoxyAngel11: cuz i feel kinda SICK from all those rides
CrazieMexican34: ok!!
CrazieMexican34: talk to u tomorrow..
HotFoxyAngel11: nite nite!!!
HotFoxyAngel11: love u!!
CrazieMexican34: goodnight
HotFoxyAngel11: later!
CrazieMexican34: love you 2
HAHA...i love that gurl! That was one of the best convos besides the one about Miranda and their shoes? and about loving her to the moon and stars and going to bed...btu yah u wouldnt get that! Today was REALLY awesum! Commment!
Love always and forever, Elise N. Kruger!