The last word Carrie Fisher left us with. A good word to believe in. Bloody hell though, it's difficult, this year seems to have been just one after another and these last few days have frankly just been taking the p*ss. George Michael, Richard Adams (he was 96 mind you) and now Carrie, the people's princess, a far more suitable title than the previous holder IMHO.
Yes I know the population of stars we grew up with is aging and the rise of mass media means that there are far more in the public awareness than at any point in the past and the next year is not likely to be any better, but still, but still...
Fuck 2016. And I mean that most sincerely. Fuck 2016.
Christmas has been a long drawn out affair this time. Meeting relatives and exchanging presents have taken place on a number of days before and after xmas and has not indeed finished, be seeing the mother in Swansea in a few days and having a follow up Xmas with her then. Even Xmas dinner got postponed to Boxing Day due to a stomach bug. A duck for us this year and very nice it was too. Just eaten the first bowl of soup made from the remains and that is equally as tasty.
Got the wife a Gamecube Legend of Zelda Heritage Disc, the first two Zelda games plus Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. We did have this, but a badly scratched disc meant that when playing Majora's Mask the game tended to crash before you could save, so I scoured teh interwebz and found a decent copy. Been curled up on the sofa watching the wife play that a lot over the past few days. l got a great book "Curiocity", and a more beautifully eccentric way of exploring London I have yet to find, have a gander here- It puts me in mind of the old Puffin Annuals of my youth, and from me that's high praise, those two books grace my bookshelf even now.
Lastly I've seen "Rogue One". An excellent addition to the Star Wars canon and so beautifully dovetailed into the beginning of Star Wars (no, not "A New Hope, "Star Wars").
A tall order Carrie, but we'll try and may the Force be with us all.