(no subject)

May 07, 2010 23:36

Well, i can still get on the LJ...

I got a new phone cap! Hopefully this means i can nerd up, anywhere, anytime.

I completed my required amount of making stuff this week! Yay!

But i have 3 assignments in 5 weeks, two of which are massive. One is only 500 words, so hopefully i can get that over and done with before Monday.

I'm going to get onto it now.

Also I almost bought this shirt but then i didn't because with shipping and stuff it would be so expensive. I also want the Kate Beaton BOAT! shirt and the Dinosaur Comics "Failure Is Just Success Rounded Down" shirt...and i COULD get a discount for buying 3...but it'd still end up stupidly expensive.

Also, i kinda want to get my teeth whitened. I know that sounds all crazy, but seriously it's hells cheap and i think it'd be cool! It's not even that i'm particularly self-conscious about my teeth, and they're not very yellow...i just have an urge to sit in the bubble chair at the booth in Garden City and see what happens. It costs less than a new dress from Cue, and i've been avoiding that carefully.

Also, my attempts to use the word "also" less have been unsuccessful, thus, mission aborted.

Finally, I feel not at all bad that i am staying late at uni instead of partying on Friday nights. I have not a lot of party in me right now!
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