have not updated for many a day. been a) busy or b)not internet bound.
i am thinking about going to Mojos tonight for some Kill Devil Hills and Jack On Fire action, but only if i get some work done here first.
I mopped floors and washed windows and tidied bedroom and ate curry with the Master Mariners today. I enjoy going to the Master Mariners club with dad. It's such a weird old building full of weird old men in cardigans and weird old ladies in gaudy clothes and big earrings, and a view onto the piles of shipping containers and cranes and things, and really cheap beers that are well poured and the people there all talk about ships.
Yesterday Ayla and I went to Murdoch to hear Jaques Fresco talk about The Venus Project. Oh my god, that man is amazing. He's 94 years old, and he stood and talked for about 2 hours without sitting down. He's so sprightly! And hilarious, also. One of the best public speakers i have ever witnessed, totally charismatic and not dull for a single moment. The talk began with a short film that he made, describing aspects of The Venus Project and showing concept designs of cities and energy production and stuff. I think that was a bad idea, because it meant the first thing we were presented with was this essentially Utopian idea of The Future, and utopias are naturally awesome but sinister because all you can think about is WHAT IF IT ALL WENT HORRIBLY WRONG, and also AS IF IT'S EVEN POSSIBLE TO DO THAT and also HITLER HITLER HITLER HITLER.
But i think the essence of The Venus Project is a philosophical or ideological concept, much like Suzuki education. check out
http://www.thevenusproject.com/ to find out more, and be simultaneously thrilled and creeped out. I don't know how I feel about the whole thing but it's something that is eminently interesting. I'm thinking of attending the "Zeitgeist Movement Meeting" (read: wild-eyed extremist hippies) because i find it interesting, not because i'm all rah! rah! burn the cities!
It was cool to hang out with Ayla, whose studio space is right next to mine, and we both do ceramics and we somehow get along really well despite having very little in common. She has a great ability to articulate ideas, which i envy. Like, if i have just read some article or other and am asked what it's about, I flounder around for basic adjectives, let alone structured sentences. I think i'm going to practice explaining things to myself. That sounds retarded, but whatevs.
Also i appreciate someone who is comfortable with eating two different varieties of cereal for lunch. (Special K AND Weetbix.)
I am disappointed that i will probably miss the Patricia Piccinini talk tomorrow. I might not...but only if band practice starts at 12 exactly and finished at 1.30. ...unlikely.
Today i also had nostalgic Netherlands withdrawls, so i bought some spiced Gouda (not aged enough though, sadly) and jam and bread and had a cheese, jam, bread and weak tea party. Sitting on the one chair in our empty living room, which i mopped (because Alex's mopping was insufficient.)
Also Natalia is probably buying a house which means Carl might be moving into it which means....i dunno? Maybe Alissa will move in? Except she apparently doesn't want to live in Fremantle, which makes NO SENSE WHATSOEVER because nowhere is better, ship horns waking you up at 3am and trucks wheezing down victoria street and music from the Arts Centre bouncing off the wall of the caryard and into our house. And fags on Harleys wanking their way through the neighbourhood, and that guy who wanders past our house with his long hair matted into one big lumpy dread. Actually i could do without that guy, and the fags.