Apr 11, 2010 19:44

I am once again using the uni intertubes. I have just spent over an hour making a thing and now my head is sore. It's a good thing though. Art Five! I would update my blog but I am still cameraless. I am going to borrow an awesome one from the techies i think.

On Friday i got a blood test. It was gross, yall. The results will supposedly tell me if i am at increased risk of heart disease. Except, from what i gather, the type of heart disease that my mum had was a type that requires a different kind of test, the sort that involves dye and scans and stuff. The docter was all "because of the risks associated with those tests, we only do them if you are displaying symptoms." Ok, fair enough, only, my mum wasn't displaying symptoms...hence not having the test...

On Saturday I saw Kick-Ass with everyone. Most people who are reading this were there, so is there a point in writing about it? I'd like to say, though, that my utter dislike of Nicholas Cage has lessened dramatically, because damn, he was funny. I loves his stick-on moustache, and affected Big Daddy accent, and shooting his daughter in the chest. Repeatedly. That scene really set the tone for the rest of the movie, don't you think?
Also, the casting and character of Mindy was inspired. I congratulate the producers for making a main female character who did not fail to kick ass (pun unavoidable) in each and every scene.

Alex and I went to see The Room last night. We met Jacinta at the cinema. I also saw Esther, Polly and Horrocks, Francis, and other people who i recognised but with whom I am not otherwise friends. There was a massive crowd of people, and the audience was so rowdy that I missed a lot of the dialogue. It didn't matter. The movie was...unnngh....i can't translate the movie into words. I can only think sympathetically of the people who went to see it when it first came out in cinemas, assuming that it was going to be a regular moviegoing experience. How would one respond? It's surreal. Not in a good way, either. The sex scenes were all awful, but the ones involving Tommy Wiseau made me feel physically ill. That man has a body that mocks the regular laws of anatomy. Like an aged wrestler crossed with a butcher shop.
I was in pain afterwards from laughing too much, but a lot of it was confused, hysterical laughter of utter disbelief. I very much enjoyed yelling HI DENNY and BYE DENNY, and throwing spoons at the screen. I had to save one spoon to chew on because otherwise i would have gnawed through my own lips, such was the torture.

Good times.

Future times:
I have to give my tutorial tomorrow. Do not want. Be good to get it done though.
I also have a seminar with Alex Spremberg in the morning. Not sure what i want to ask him about. Maybe see if he thinks the two streams that my project has turned into (one 2D, the other 3D) are compatible. Actually, i should probably ask him how to hang my stuff on the wall. I didn't factor that in when i started making tiles. Woops.
We have a rent inspection on Tuesday, how arduous.
Mid semester reviews are coming up. Also i still don't know what day i am scheduled to give my Research presentation. I have done almost zero work for that unit so far. I need to DRASTICALLY re-write my proposal. And when am i going to get a chance to formulate my Theory/Criticism essay? Ultra stress times are a-looming. I predict a Ladies Night drought. Ness, Ricky, consider yourselves warned.

Peace out.
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