...revamping entire journal :/ BBS.
[edit] @ 12:00A.M. PST:
It took me the better of seven maybe more hours to get this layout up and done. Why did it take so long when I had the code up from the last layout. You'd think I'd be happy knowing that people who use
IE could see my layouts and say hey that's a nice looking layout. But something has always been in the back of my mind eating away at me. What about those who don't use IE. What would they say? Well, of course people like
beliael and let's not forget
ecatalina who use
Mozilla firefox to view websites were the first to say how my LJ doesn't work in that "browser." Well, guess what ladies, it finally does. Muw-ha-ha-ha-ha-haaa. After hours of recoding, looking over codes, it finally works. Now, you can say NOTHING! Other than ugly color scheme XD; It's about time, now I can finally be happy with a layout, though this layout does have a few things I've still yet to modify it looks fine for now.
It may seem like nothing, hey it may seem like one of my most bland layouts to date, but, remember I had to keep it simple that way I could figure out what was making it work in IE but not making it work in firefox, once I got there I figured that my code had to be recoded by, not me but someone else. I took peoples codes, and re-did it to semi-my-own-code. I also had to finally learn what the heck a z-index did to webpages XD; and now I know. It kind of irks me that everything was so easy, and it took me the better of the day to realize that I just had to change a few knobs and reapply my older coding to it. But ehh, as long as it worked out in the end.
I'm feel much better knowing that the code works fine in both IE and Firefox, it's like a relife a lot of people don't understand what I'm talking about but I guess if you're one of those people you'll understand :). Anyways, I'm gonna go brush my teeth and go to bed XD;
BTW the layout features Vanessa Carlton: C'est La Vie, if you couldn't already figure that out.