Dear Guests:

Dec 12, 2010 02:55

Dear sticky fingered guest:
   You are a moron. You should not ask how much a soda costs, walk over to the fridge take TWO out, and try to just hand me the money for ONE. yeah, i saw you. No, i don't think it's funny. And i don't want to hear it in the morning when you get your bill, cuz your buddies in your room pulled the same stunt, only they charged them to the room, so now you get to pay for 3 on your CC! 
Much hatred:
the not blind Night auditor

Dear MORONS who can't read:
  Yeah, that yellow CAUTION: WET FLOOR sign with the picture of someone falling on their ass is NOT a challenge! i know the floor is wet. thus the sign. there's 6 inches of SNOW outside and more falling from the sky, so DUH, you should be careful on MARBLE FLOORS. no, i will not comp your room because you fell as you were sprinting toward the fireplace from outside. you and your 6 drunk friends can complain in the morning about my "bad attitude" to someone who cares. cuz my boss certainly won't!
Still Laughing
the badly behaved front desk

and finally:
Dear Bacardi Reps:
PLEASE DEAR GOD stay with us again! you have been the highlight of my week! thank you for your good manners, polite requests, and a huge THANK YOU for the free sweatshirt and fifth of Bacardi Razz. You have made my short list of favorite guests in the 3 days you've been here, and i thank you for all the awesome comment cards you've left telling my boss how great i am :) you make it worth it to come to work!
the "hottie at the desk" :)

guest relations, safety, annoying guests, intoxicated guests

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