» Rules «

Jan 27, 2008 00:20

Closed as of 9/10

Welcome to the Hotel of Secrets


⊕ Be calm and considerate. If you have a problem with a player, calmly talk it out with them before getting a MOD involved. A lot of things can be solved on an individual basis. This helps so that misunderstandings and uncalled for accusations aren't being made. (This also includes approaching a mod about anything, it is expected for people to have a bad day, but keep in mind the mods do as well. It would be appreciated if players and Mods not use sarcastic tones when speaking to each other.)

⊕ Do not break the fourth wall. If you must have a character make a comment about another series or a joke reference pertaining to another series, make sure none of the characters from that series is present. Also, when having one character tell another character from their canon information that the other character doesn't know (like Near telling Mello he's going to die) please be sure to talk to the mun, first. It's nice to have a little warning so they can't plan how their character will react.

Godmodding is a no. The only time it is acceptable is if you have permission from the mun you are playing with to "control" their character. This must be done within reason. Don't make every decision for yourself. If your character is offering their hand to someone, don't always assume the other character will take the hand unconditionally. It's always best to ask, even for the minor things! Also, no metagaming.

⊕ We do allow content up to the NC-17 rating. All content above PG-13 must be marked, labeled, and locked. This includes journal entries. This doesn't permit habitually random smut or violence. If you must do nothing but smut, place it under a specific friend filter between you and your rp partner and play it out there. If it is not labeled or locked, it will be deleted without warning. (Yes, we will check.) We are also not responsible if you choose to read clearly marked threads. This also means we will not accept anyone under the age of 15. If we find out you have lied in order to apply, you will be banned without warning.

⊕ Activity checks will be performed on the 1st of every other month. Activity Checks will be performed on the 1st of every month, and run until the 7th. The only Journals and Logs qualified for the check much be dated during the previous month.

This is the format future Activity checks will take.
Three Journal entries for the previous two months.
One Log entry for the previous two months month.

Characters that join within 14 days before the Activity check (accepted between the 16th and 30th) will only be required one journal entry. A Log would be optional for them, however that only applies for the check that month.Characters joining within 30 days (the 1st-16th) will need two journal entries.

Failure to meet the criteria for one check will be issued a warning. Failure to miss two consecutive activity checks without a hiatus notification, will result in your character being dropped. You will have a period of three days to appeal with an excuse to have your character re-accepted. (Thus three days before the character will be officially dropped from all core posts and up for grabs for another player)

Currently I will be implementing a nudge system, and if you neglect to post after 8 weeks, you'll be dropped. I hope that sounds good. (Journal posts > comments. It's great to comment, but please keep journal entries flowing :3)

⊕ Future AUs will have to have some form of world/plot deviation. Their AUs may not be "This is canon, only they are a different species/gender/whatever." They must have some other form of deviation in their canon.

⊕ Cliques are inevitable, and we as MODs can't force people to interact. It is your responsibility to interact with each other. The only time you may contact a mod about this, is if your character is being repeatedly ignored (and this will require proof) or if you are verbally told the person doesn't want to play with you (this also requires visual proof) If it comes to this, the other person will receive a warning. If it continues, then depending on the case, the person causing trouble will be suspended (not banned) for two weeks.

⊕ Rules can and will be changed. You will be given a notice to sign off on whenever there are major rule changes, and specific mentions for minor changes. There will be a one week period before these rules are put into full effect.

⊕ Failure to comply to the rules will result in banning. There will be a three strike policy. You will receive two warnings, and the third time you break a rule, you will be notified of your ban. You may not apply for any other characters, and you will lose privilege for all of your muses. If you have read and understand this, title your application email with: three strikes you're out : Character name (ou/au/rp!au).

Mature Content Rules:

All of the following must be labeled in the warnings section of a log. Preferably at the beginning of a log instead of halfway through. If you aren't sure, rate it with potential warnings just to be safe. You can always go back and remove them if necessary. If something isn't listed here, chances are it's not acceptable, however you may ask a mod about it.

Be realistic, do your research.

Make sure your partner is comfortable with it.

Make sure your partner is comfortable playing each preference.

Incest / Clonecest:
Make sure your partner is comfortable playing it.

Mutual mun agreements.
Major murder plots (involving more than two killings) must be pre-approved by a Mod.

Mutual decision between the muns involved.
Mod must be informed, and you must be willing to play the full 9 months.

Plot Specific:
Must be pre-approved by a Mod.
Discuss the plans for the plot beyond the situation with the muns involved.
Be prepared to reveal plot points you have in mind that are directly linked to this situation.
DO YOUR RESEARCH. Look up how a rape victim would act.

Sexual Violence:
Mun discussion. Strict IC reactions.

Statutory Rape:
NOT Allowed:

Semi-Permanent death.
Character will not be able to be active for one full week.
MUST be mod approved.

Mun agreement on all sides.

Mun agreement.
Must move a plot or sub plot along.

Underage Sexual Activities:
NOT Allowed:
If your character is under the age of 16, we will not accept any sexual situations with them.
Doing so will result in a warning and deletion of the thread.

If there is a mature or offensive subject that is not on the list, but you would like to know about, please contact a Mod for the terms to be decided on.


Layout profile code thanks to ReversesCollide


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