
Sep 05, 2008 17:44

Before you fill out the application form, have you checked the character roster and character reserved list to make sure the character you want isn't already taken?


1. Create your character's journal.

2. Fill out this application form:Mun info:
Your name/Pseudonym:
Your personal LJ:
Your email:

Character info:
Character's name:
Character's canon:
What type of canon is your character from? (eg, book, movie, tv show, etc):
Character's LJ:
Brief history of your character (100-200 words):
Brief synopsis of your character's personality (100-300 words):

Game Specific Information:
What is the point of your character's canon in which you are introducing your character?:

Is your character alive or dead at the point of entry to the game?:

What skills does your character have?:

When your character is shown to his/her room, he/she will find ten personal items belonging to them, which the Hotel has supplied. These things can ONLY be things they would typically have in canon. This will be known as his/her initial personal inventory. Please list what these things would be:

Please create a voicemail post for your character and provide a link to it in this application. This will be used for any character who wishes to get in contact with your character.

Write your character's entrance post (minimum 200 words. You will use this to post your character's entrance into the game.):
3. Update your character's user info page with the following information: - Your character's full name
- Your character's canon/what kind of canon it is (eg, "Harry Potter/Book")
- The canonical point which your character is entering the Hotel California
- A description of your character's appearance
- A brief description of your character's history (use the one written in the email if you prefer)
- Your character's inventory
- A disclaimer stating that you don't own the character
Copy and paste the information you provided about your character in the application if you prefer. This is so any person who is not familiar with your character's canon will be able to get an idea of who your character is. Your application will not be approved unless you have this information on your character's profile.

4. Log into your character's journal, then join stopforthenight, stopfortheday and hotel_network.

When you have completed your application form, please send it to, with your character's name as the subject heading of the email. Make sure you include the phrase stipulated in the rules, in the right part of your application; your application will be ignored without it.

<------END OF APPLICATION------>.

All applications are processed every Saturday and Sunday. Please be patient in awaiting mod's approval. You will be notified with an email regarding your character's approval to the game, as well as your character's game tag.


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