Dear everybody,
Please stop whining about shit. It's annoying. I love you all, but you've all got emotional issues that you need to sort out, like now.
If you don't, I'll run you over with my wheel.
Yes. wheel.
Also, if you're still in highschool/just graduated, STOP GETTING PREGNANT! If you can't fucking wear a condom and/or use some other contraceptive other than "Oh baby I'll pull out" DON'T LET SOMEBODY PUT THEIR DICK IN YOU.
It's really quite simple.
If I hear about one more chick from my highschool being pregnant that didn't graduate before 2000, I will again run you over with my wheel. And believe me, my fat ass leaves tire marks.
And no this was not a contradictve entry. As you can plainly see (if you're not an idiot, of course) this was a helpful and informational entry to those who can't see it themselves.