Mar 09, 2006 19:52
meme from Swifty:
A: Ampicillin + chemical structure
B: Bonzo Dog Band + Deathcab for Cutie
C: Christina Abernathy
D: David Hyde Pierce
E: Electric Six
F: Funkytown
G: Gore speech + "yard short"
H: How do you break the ring? (note: I have NO idea what this is.)
I: I like big bibles
J: Jaqueline Suzanne
K: Kaiser Permanente
L: Libby + romance novel
M: MC Copulation
N: Netflix investor info
O: Orby Mothership
P: Pass the Dutchie
Q: ---
R: Runaway Train + Soul Asylum
S: Shaved cat + image
T: The Apprentice: A Novel
U: Urban Dictionary
V: Vik is an Animal
W: Wikipedia lemming
X: ---
Y: You will know...when you are calm, at peace
Z: Zales (note: only z)
I'm going to be honest here, so you don't assume the worst. When I searched for Kristina Abernathy, it's because I think she's hot and I was kind of hoping to find pictures/a bio of her. When I searched for "shaved cat + image", it was for completely academic reasons.
Other than that, if it's music-related, it means that I didn't know something about that band/song.