Ok so maybe I should name it the Bi-weekly rock star crush of the umm week.
I was listening to Relient K last week and was thinking how fun they are...and everybody likes fun guys right? of course right!
So here's my dorky rock star crush of the week! Matt Thiessen of Relient K!
Matt Rocking out
Sheep! uh I mean...Matt in New Zealand. He's a traveling man!
Pirate or rock star? He's so stylish...and dreamy.
"Baby do you like my sweater?"
Nothing like a man who can sing really high!
aww and he loves children!
He even looks like a child molester..or something. uhh yeah..
So if there were a sadie hawkins dance this week...and I knew Matt..I'd totally ask him to go! But there's no sadie hawkins and I've never met him so he'll just be my rock star crush for the week...or however long it takes me to get another one.