I think I'm getting beaten up...

Nov 13, 2008 20:21

I'm finding bruises on my legs again...but not on my shins as usual, on my thighs. I think those kids are getting rougher! Today I had a power struggle with Treyonna about keeping her socks and shoes on...that little girl is stubborn. She hits a lot but she got hit a lot today, I felt slightly bad for her but at the same time she hit most of the kids first that hit her. Don't know if it will stop her.
Things are a bit calmer at work...well besides the kids throwing fits and calling me names (O'mario this morning...gets on my nerves all the time). I feel like I'm staying on top of my anecdotal notes and paperwork. Just have to do a few more "spring cleanings" as my assistant put it where I purge files and random paperwork stashed in random places.
Had a nice Veteran's day off. Read, sewed a little. I picked up some fabric this week to make a dress for my cousin's wedding next weekend. It might be a little too dressy for their wedding but oh well. Hopefully it will turn out, unlike most of my last few sewing attempts. Hopefully it will look decent too. Another hopeful...that it won't be too cold next weekend in Ft. Myers since it's an outside wedding (late afternoon/early evening).
Can't really think of anything that I've done lately besides crocheting. I made a baby sweater for a baby shower this week but it looks too small so I'll save that one for my dolls at work and I'm making another slightly larger one. I have that and a surprise party to go to on Saturday.
The shuttle is launching tomorrow night! Having grown up on the space coast of Florida, I pretty much treat shuttle launches like nothing special. But night launches...those don't happen very often and are more impressive, in my opinion. It's like a mini-sunrise in the sky...or at least the birds think so. If it doesn't go off tomorrow night they're going to try for other night launches, but they may be in the middle of the night so I'm hoping it goes off tomorrow.
In other news...my brother had a job interview that seems promising. He hasn't had a steady job since July 2007. It would also force him to move since it's 1 1/2 hours away. Strange...but about time! I dont' think my younger brother will care that much that he doesn't have to share a room since he is hardly around anyways. It'll be kind of weird though if he moves away from this area. I guess we all have to grow-up sometime.
Speaking of growing up...I feel slightly more grown-up now that I have my own insurance! That's right...for the first time in my life I'm n ot on my parent's insurance. My organization has two different insurance plans. I chose the one with a high medical deductible but that doesn't cost me anything. I think it's a decent deal. The dental plans are the same. So hopefully I won't have any medical catastrophe's or most of it will come out of my own pocket.
Next move: get a car...then move out!
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