
Jan 30, 2010 18:32

The Axis Powers Hetalia! Friending Meme

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-Make new friends. They're like silver.

Age: ?
Gender: ?
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alliterations January 31 2010, 00:48:59 UTC

Gender:I has bewbs
Location: Seattle, WA
Favorite Hetalia characters:Canada, France, America, England, Spain, Romano, Prussia, Taiwan, Hungary...lots more.

Favorite pairings:FRANCE/CANADA <3 Us/Uk, Spamano, Prussia/Hungary, Nice/Barcelona (don't ask), Brazil/Argentina, Japan/Taiwan and Russia/Prussia has started to intrigue me....

Other fandoms: Pandora Hearts, Criminal Minds, South Park, How I Met Your Mother, Persona, Big Bang Theory, Heroes, and The Mentalist.

What you'll find in my journal:Fan fiction, RL rambling, memes, the occasional post of actual writing.


My journal's a party. Bring glowsticks.


arialyn January 31 2010, 01:36:29 UTC
We have similar pairing interests and fandoms!
Mind if I join the party? ♥


alliterations January 31 2010, 03:32:59 UTC
Go right ahead~


madnesshp January 31 2010, 01:39:09 UTC
For a second when you put "Nice/Barcelona" I thought you meant "Nice Barcelona".... as in, "Nice Florida"... err... *points to icon*



alliterations January 31 2010, 03:33:26 UTC
ha ha ha ha XD No, I mean Nice, France (as in the city). But...uh, I guess that works too, eh?


madnesshp January 31 2010, 06:20:12 UTC
Got it! xDD

Russia/Prussia is delicious! And I do like France/Canada quite a bit!! Plus that image is... ♥ ♥

Friends, Y/Y ?


candelaria January 31 2010, 16:16:42 UTC
Oh hey your state and mine have the same initials. Different countries, but I digress ahaha /shot XD

But can I just say a huge YESSSS to your ships and omg a Brazil/Argentina fan here? AWESOME. Also How I Met Your Mother and Big Bang Theory...there could not be more YES in the world omg.

Tl;dr may I friend you? ♥


alliterations January 31 2010, 18:55:56 UTC
LOL that's fantastic. And blame zulenha and sakuratsukikage for that ship. Ahh I love it~

I would be honored, because BTW, I <3 Porttugal too and your wonderful fics.


monochroact January 31 2010, 16:24:03 UTC
US/UK, Prussia/Hungary, Franada, Spamano, Latin Hetalia, Persona, Heroes and so on ♥♥♥♥♥ p-plus, I love your fics ♥

Friends? ♥


alliterations January 31 2010, 18:56:53 UTC
Ooh, with that much in common, of course~


satoru_13 February 1 2010, 08:39:40 UTC
R-Russia x Prussia? It is very intriguing, trust me, ;w;


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