Apr 27, 2005 03:26
It's funny how quickly our emotions change, and for seemingly no reason at all. I've accomplished so much today. I'm like on top of things. Had another fun night of shooting grapes with the sling shot. I have nice welt on my butt from getting shot with one...it was worth it. So by all standards and expectations tonight was very good, but for some odd reason at 3:30am im sad. I don't know why exactly. I think it might be a little bit of everything. I'm gonna miss it here, im gonna miss some people that i won't see for a while. I guess im the type of person who doesn't like change. Everything's changing without my permission and I can't do anything to stop it. I think I have trouble being optimistic about the future as well. This summer for instance, I'm going to completly wing it. As of right now I don't have job lined up, not even a lead. I'm taking one class. Even with a job and a class, summer just sounds bland to me. eh oh well, i think im gonna talk to God about it. night everyone.