Work is fucking bullshit

Jun 01, 2001 23:30

yea.. this morning was fun.. at about 1 or so i called work to say i was sick and cant come in today. i was schedueled for five.. anways my boss dave said if you can get someone to get your shif you can have it off. well i called a friend that i worked for last weekend ( my weekend was split shift all day working) and she didnt answer so i stopped by i asked her to work because she was just sitting on her ass anyways and she said no she wouldnt work then 5 minutes later or so she said you never help me out or work for me. That made me run out the door slamming it on the way .. literally.. what a bitch why did she say that when u took her shift last weekend i think only one of them maybe i even took two of her fucking shifts. Did she forget?.. so i called back work and told my biss nobody would then he said well you know you do have tomorrrow all off so dont worry about it you can spend tomorrow all day off. Well i did have the next day off so i felt stupid for asking for this evening off in the first place. So i went into work at 5 and looked at the scheduele and there i was schedueled TOMorroW (SAT).. now i am really pissed because they are making me work SUNDAy 9-2 and 5-cl that day .. why the fuck am i schedueled for saturday .. ya its friday but i got my sched on tuesday night. fuckers .. im pissed because i want to know where the fuck was my call asking me if i could work on saturday??? i fucking cover everyones shifts and i HAVE to call them PERSONALLY and ask them if they will work for me when all they have to do is changethe fucking scheduele without even fucking telling me , asking me or calling me. Why the fuck am i not allowed to do that???really i wouldnt canre if they would hAve fucking called me and asked !! or even if my boss didnt even tell me AGAIN TODAY on the fucking phone that i dont have to worrk tomorrow AT ALL so i needed to come in today this is bullshit and im not going to work for them tomorrow!!!!!!!! fuck off paainted mountain!!
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