Dec 30, 2004 07:59
Hey peeps >lol< oldest Word EVER~ Soo how was everyones christmas? i hope everyone got what they wanted! i got
my Timberlands LMAO...even tho there not me... i like them i think they're cute! i got a new sterio which is kick ass and i LOVEEEEEE has like 5 speakers n shit...way cool i got like 12 dvds and like 7 cds. ALOT of cute socks alot of bath and body sprays and my abercrombie and fitch calogne...finally! thank you amanda lol i got a new pinky ring from muh mammie...she said if i loose it she will kill me! lol it is so prettifull it got 6 diamonds in it!...i still didnt get my present from tom and nor did i give him mine...i havent seen him... ive been real busy this vacation the ultimite with all the hospital visits work family me time...theres just not way i coulda squeezed him in..other then that!
Ambers baby is due january 18th AHHH im so excited!!! i told her ima run down her house when she gets home lol...i love her! lol she is so fucking awesome!
i saw nicole last night...i went down her and thadds housethey live right in front of amber yea i chilled down there n played with her baby for awhile i havent seen her since halloween so its been awhile.
HmMmM new years eve is going to fuckin BLOW big ones...yea n thats all there is i have to say about that
Im outie..!~!
Peace nucca*