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Jan 09, 2006 16:29

so anyways i just read a entry that made me think ALOT! it was weird it was bout nice guys that finish last and its true that whole entry was true i couldnt believe it i mean to be honest i do that and i still do to sum of my friends that are madly in love with me that are extremely nice and i do that to them now i no how they feel and its kinda depressin ya no and i thank slapshithappy for postin that entry, its opened my eyes to a whole new light.......so im sittin in brewer and karen is buyin a house in eddington and she found out 2day that she got it which is awusme its a 3 bedroom which is what she has now but an apartment.....brandon is out plowin with his uncle billy he's been gone most of da day but thats ok i dont mind  i have been sittin takin tests online pretty much..he quit workin for his dad but we'll have to see how long that lasts him lol! me and brandon have been gettin along really goood as our realtionship moves into iys 3rd month its only gettin stronger and its great to have someone that ur this compatable with he's an awusome person he has his flaws but its not many and i love him it was kinda a love at first sight we have been trippin alot latly which has been fun lol plummer tripped with us last ngiht and surprsinly no one passed out this time haha we were all up havin a good time i dont really no what to think any more my tests online came back sayin that i am anorex and i need to go to therapy lol it was quit amousin actually but all in all today has been good along with the last few weeks even though ive been in rumford but i was with brandon i went to see my mom a few days ago she is doin good i have been sein my grandfather alot more just because i dont really get to see my family that much anymore ive kinda devoted myself to this realtionship because i want it to work out so bad and for da most part i think that it will! we are doin pertty good i have to find another job though which wnt be too hard hopefuully cuz i really want to work i dont like not workin i dot like not havin money ya no but hopefully things will work out good well anyways ill prob right more lata but for now im done im gunna go find sum more personality tests to take....im outtie oh and another thing me and brandon had some nice talks down in rumford bout us gettin married and he basically told me that i was marrin him weather i liked it or not lol and that im stuck with him for life which is fuckin awusome well thats all peace
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