May 17, 2006 21:18
i seem to be having a lot of 'what the fuck am i doing with my life?' thoughts at the moment which is incredibly bad timing cos im not gettin much revision done. all i managed to figure out is that im a bit of a bum but i spose im still young enuff to excuse it by saying i have time to do somethin with my life yet.
amyways only 2 exams left but it feels like too far away to plan my summer- cant believe the weather has gone so shitty either !! morrissey on sat woop ! actually gna have an ace day. enjoyin gettin drnk again too !! it rules to feel jus tipsy enuff that u dont care what a twat you look like on the dancefloor but not drunk enuff to be face down in ur own sick ( and we've all been there lol)
its been great catchin up properly too- good times with the best people in derby is my idea of heaven...and with that tear in my eye im off to sort me barnet out. xxxx