Fanfic: A Worthy Opponent, A Valuable Ally [Finch, Root] [2/?]

Aug 21, 2012 20:57

Title: A Worthy Opponent, A Valuable Ally.
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Harold Finch, Root.
Disclaimer: I don't owe Person of Interest or any of its characters.
Spoilers: 1x23 "Firewall."
Summary: Root knows who they are, what they do and how they operate, but what else does she know?
Notes: Thanks to PJTL156 for the beta.

+ Chapter I

Chapter II: The Reason Behind Everything.
Slowly Finch began to regain consciousness. The first thing he noticed was pain. Being in pain was not unusual for him, but somehow this was different: a sharp, throbbing pain in the back of his head. It felt as if someone had hit him on the head. Hard.

Opening his eyes slowly, Finch felt a wave of dizziness and nausea hit him, forcing him to close them again. Eyes tightly closed, Finch's eyebrows drawn together.

"What happened? Where am I?" were the first confused thoughts in Finch's mind. He obliged his mind to focus, trying to remember. They were working a new number, Mr. Reese and himself... Whose number was it? It was a woman. Finch's frown deepened, desperately seeking for information in his disoriented mind. A psychologist. Yes it was a psychologist. Ms. Turing, that was her name; Caroline Turing. One of her clients had paid HR to kill her. But none of that explained his current situation.

"I'll get Ms. Turing to safety, and I'll come back for you, John."

Finch's words to Reese echo in his mind, making his eyes fly open. He was supposed to pick up Ms. Turing and take her somewhere safe. What if the person who threatened her had intercepted them? What if they had hurt her?

Finch looked around, searching for any sign of her, or anything that could tell him what had happened, but only found an empty chair placed directly in front of him. It was a rather small space and the only light on it came from a lonely bulb hanging over him.

This didn't make any sense. If they just wanted to dispose of Ms. Turing and he was on their way, why not just kill him? Why abduct him and bring him here? If that was even what had happened.

Head filled with confused and unfocused thoughts, Finch didn't hear the sound of the door opening, nor the sound of heels echoing behind him; approaching.

"I'm glad you are finally awake, Harold," said a soft, female voice behind him.

Started, Finch turned his head as much as he could, struggling to see the woman still behind him. That voice sounded familiar, but where could he-

"So nice to finally meet you, Harold. You can call me Root."

Finch frozen, feeling as if all the air had been knocked out of him. This was- this couldn't be happening. She couldn't be Caroline Turing: the woman they were supposed to protect, and most certainly couldn't be Root: the skilled hacker that without hesitation had killed Peter Matheson, Congressman Delancey's business partner.

The woman, Root, walked further into the room, looking at Finch with a tender look on her face.

"Sorry I knocked you out. You must be having a pretty bad headache."

Well, that explained his severe headache, Finch thought morosely. Almost instinctively, he tried to lift his hands to the back of his head only to find he couldn't; his hands tightly tied behind his back. He lifted his gaze toward Root's face.

"Ah, the rope is just a precaution. I can't be pointing a gun at you all the time, can I?" Root easily answer Finch's unspoken question, sitting in the empty chair.

Finch drifted his gaze to the floor, shifting uneasily in his chair.

"Where are we?" He asked quitely after a moment, not sure what kind of answer he was expecting, if one at all.

"Well," Root started, crossing her legs slowly and tilting her head slightly to the right. "for starters, we are away from New York; too many cameras on the streets for my taste." Root grinned, giving Finch a significant look. "And this is an old building I've grown quite fond of. It's been empty for so long that I think most people have forgotten it even exists."

Finch ponder this for a moment. While the idea that they were in some deserted place sounded reasonable under the circumstances, he wasn't sure he believed her when she said they were away from New York City. After all this carefully elaborated plan to lure him out, Finch was well aware the woman he was dealing with was exceedingly clever and precise, therefore, telling him they were away from New York could be a strategy to make him feel uncertain and lost, so he'd break and do what she wanted. Though, now that he thought about it, he didn't have the slightest idea what that was.

Mind still hazy, Finch couldn't remember if she already had told him what she wanted. He didn't think she had, though, but considering she had used the way Reese and him operated to find him, Finch was afraid he might have an idea of what that could be.

Wetting his lips, Finch met Root's gaze, which had not left his face even for a moment since she sat down.

"Why did you do all this?" Finch asked her, his eyebrows drawn together. "What do you want from me?"

Root leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms. "A little impatient, aren't we? But I guess the least I can do is tell you why you are here," She said with a grin. "It's... a bit complicated actually. My original intention was to meet you in person. Your skills left me highly impressed, something that is not easy to do, and I wanted to meet the man behind what I saw, but as I keep analyzing the information I got from your system and everything, I found out you have something I've wanted for years, something I need, and I want you to help me. I want access... to the system; the Machine."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Finch answered immediately; a trail of someone whose life and past were sheltered so tightly. He spent his whole life lying to every person who crossed his path, he supposed.

Root leaned forward abruptly, a flick of anger in her eyes. "I'm gonna pretend you did not say that, Harold, because I hate when people lie to me."

Startled by the sudden outburst, Finch watched her. He should be more careful with his words, or the already poor situation he was in could get significantly worse.

Root leaned back in her chair. "You might be surprised to know I've known about that powerful system the government is hiding for some time now." She started, her face relaxed into a smile as if the outburst just seconds ago hadn't happened. "It's quite long story. Perhaps I'll tell you all about it later."

Frowning slightly, Finch struggled to maintain his surprise from showing. How could she knew about the existence of the Machine? That was just not possible.

"Do you want to know how I know you have access?" Root bit her lip, fighting back a smile. "I got it all from your own system, after our first encounter."

Head spinning, Finch tried to make sense of what she had just told him. He thought hard, trying to remember if there had been something, anything, that could have uncovered his connection with the Machine, but he come up blank. He had been extremely careful regarding that matter. He was sure.

"Oh, but don't get me wrong, it was a challenge to sort through all the data I found and make sense of most of it. But, I love challenges," Root said, her voice smooth."Of course I found a vast amount of information on Scott Powell. A very impressive work, if I do say so myself. I admit it was the thoroughness of your research on him what made me be so highly meticulous with the creation of Caroline Turing's identity. Didn't want you to find something wrong and make you suspicious."

Finch felt a whirlwind of emotions inside: panic, anxiety, fear and a dread feeling of what was to come. What she had told him so far did not explain how she knew about the Machine or that he had access to it.

"I found many interesting things, but something that particularly caught my attention were several number sequences; nine digits each one." Root watched his face closely. "Social Security numbers; all of them. It took me some time to figure it out, but when I did, things started to make sense. Your friend's intervention in my work to save Powell made sense."

Finch felt his stomach drop, worry and fear almost making him dizzy. She knew about the numbers; the people they had saved. What if she threatened to hurt them? Could he act like before and stand aside, knowing someone innocent would be hurt again, all for a greater good?

"We didn't build this to save somebody. We built it to save everybody."

He dropped his gaze, feeling ashamed as his own words to Nathan all those years ago echoed in his head. He don't think he could do it again. Not after that disgusting feelings of emptiness and misery had left him. He couldn't go through all of that again.

"Diane Hansen: an important Assistant District Attorney that was exposed as the leader of a group of corrupt police officers. Theresa Whitaker: a teenager who literally came back from the dead, telling everyone the truth about her family's murder and how the same people who killed them, wanted to kill her too." Root stoped for a moment, smiling. "What about Claire Ryan and Matt Duggan? Killed because they took money they shouldn't have. And the police talked about two unknown girls too. I bet they are Wendy McNally and Paula Vazquez, both of their Social Security numbers were there too."

"There were plenty of others Social Security numbers, as you know, but I couldn't link them with similar acts directly, though I'm sure if I dig deeper I could. Oh, and of course Powell's was there too," Root leaned forward, her head resting on her hand. "After that first encounter, I keep looking out for any information on your friend, John. 'A guy in a suit,' that's what the police called him, right? Kind of cliché, but it fits."

"Of course, his highly indiscreet work as vigilante didn't make it harder at all. Adam Saunders, Jordan Hester, Tommy Clay, Karen Garner... Do they ring any bells? Those are some of the names I could link to John, and by extension to you too."

Root was silent fo a long moment, watching him, before she started talking again.

"Saving any kind of people, at any time, from different threats; some that could have been uncovered easily, just by looking at the right place; and some very personal ones, where it was almost impossible someone knew about to stop." Root shook her head, a smile on her lips. "What do you want me to think, Harold? No one can do something like this alone, no matter how good they are. It's just you and John and I know he isn't very good with computers, he just does the legwork, and you are the one behind everything; the information, the planning, everything."

"The system was designed to stop crimes before they happen. That's what you do. The way I see it, knowing about the system and what you and John do, it's only natural to find a connection."

Finch watched her unblinking. This was exactly what he had been fearing would happen since the moment he found Reese they had begun to work together: that someone would realize he had access to the Machine. He just never imagined it would be this way, with a civilian helding him captive and demanding access.

"I am so certain you have access to it that I risked my life, knowing you guys would know and save me. And you did! That just proved I'm right, and if you can't give me a good enough reason as to how you did know all these people were in danger, and why you decided to help them, there's nothing else you can say that can make me think otherwise. Nothing."

Finch held Root's gaze steadily, raising his chin firmly. He wasn't going to submit to her will that easily. It was a battle he knew deep-down he would not win. He would break down and give Root what she wanted, and live with the consequences (if she did not killed him after he told her), or she would get tired of his uncooperative attitude and just kill him. Either way he wasn't going to win, but it was a battle worth fighting, and with any luck, his cavalry would arrive before it was too late.

Chapter III


character: various, character: harold finch, fandom: person of interest, fic: episode tag, fanfiction

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